Anastasiia Morozova graduated with Honors from Grinnell College with a B.A. in Economics and Political Science. After graduation, she worked as a Research Analyst at the International Monetary Fund at the department of Monetary and Capital Markets where she co-authored publications on regulation of cyber security in financial institutions, burgeoning financial technologies, and state-owned banks. Her current research interests include environmental and behavioral economics.


University of California, Santa Barbara

(Santa Barbara, CA) - Aug. 2022 - Present

Ph.D. Student in Economics

Grinnell College

(Grinnell, IA) - Aug. 2014 - May 2018

B.A. in Economics and Political Science with Honors

Technical Skills

Languages/Frameworks : R, Stata, SQL, LATEX, Gephi


International Monetary Fund

(Washington, D.C.) - June 2018 – June 2021

Research Analyst – Monetary and Capital Markets Department

  • Co-authored papers on selected issues in central banking, supervision, and regulation:

  • Cyber Risk and Financial Stability: It’s a Small World After All

  • Cybersecurity Risk Supervision

  • Regulation of Crypto Assets

  • Institutional Arrangements for Fintech Regulation and Supervision

  • Regulating, Supervising, and Handling Distress in Public Banks

  • Engineered a custom dataset with 7,000+ observations on bank ownership and carried out an analysis of banks’ efficiency depending on the mode of ownership (public/state-owned) using Stata/R

  • Completed an empirical analysis and compiled regular updates on cross-country banking transfers using SWIFT big data in R and SQL

  • Utilized 10+ different databases to analyze and visually present the macroeconomic conditions of Austria

  • Researched and analyzed the setup of regulatory sandboxes in various countries (results published in Appendix III of Singapore – FSAP-Fintech: Implications for the Regulation and Supervision of the Financial Sector)


Adelmann, Frank, et al. Cyber Risk and Financial Stability: It’s a Small World After All. International Monetary Fund, 7 Dec. 2020,

Wilson, Christopher, et al. Cybersecurity Risk Supervision. International Monetary Fund, 24 Sept. 2019,

Cuervo, Cristina, et al. Regulation of Crypto Assets. International Monetary Fund, 10 Jan. 2020,

Taylor , Charles R, et al. Institutional Arrangements for Fintech Regulation and Supervision. International Monetary Fund, 10 Jan. 2020,

Adams, Mark, et al. Regulating, Supervising, and Handling Distress in Public Banks. International Monetary Fund, 2 May 2022,

Teaching Experience

University of California, Santa Barbara

(Santa Barbara, CA) - Sept 2022 - Present

Teaching Assistant for ECON 10A - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

Grinnell College - Alternative Language Study Option

(Grinnell, IA) - Jan. 2017 -May 2018

Italian Language Instructor

    • Developed a bespoke study guide and learning materials for 15+ students

    • Taught weekly 2-credit classes (Italian I and II)


Russian (Native), French (Fluent), Italian (Fluent)