
Get My Ex Back - 5 Ways to Get Back at Your Ex

After I broke up with my ex, I was angry, bitter and confused. My first thought was to find a way to take make him pay back for all the pain and hurt he had caused me and for wasting my precious time. Time I could have invested in my relationships with my family and my other friends.

When we first started dating, my hope was that this would grow into something more significant and even eventually end up in marriage. I did the best I could to please him and to make him happy. I washed for him, cleaned for him and cooked for him. I spent an enormous amount of time with him at the expense of my other relationships from fraud.

It is NEVER a good idea to trade time you should spend with your family and friends, for spending it solely with your boyfriend because when things don't work out, you will find that you are left to yourself to pick up the pieces. The friends and family you kept away from during your good times with your boyfriend will be greatly needed to support and encourage you when things go wrong. So while you take time to build your relationship with your boyfriend, make sure you set aside time to build your other relationships as well.

After realizing my mistake, I went ahead and apologized to my friends and family. Luckily for me they were very understanding and considerate and were willing to help me through my break up. With advice from friends and family I was able to come up with some better ways to even the score with my boyfriend.

1. Forget the past. What's done is done. It is no use to cry over spilt milk. Playing the break up scene over and over again in your mind won't help the situation either and loneliness only helps to make it worse. During this time it is best not to stay alone. Spend more time with family and friends doing those things you enjoy and even try new things you have always wanted to try but never had the time or chance to. Whatever you do, make sure you are not alone If need be, move in with a friend or with your family for some time, so you can get all the emotional support you need until you get back on your feet.

2. I know at this time you may blame yourself for all that has happened and may end up apologizing to your ex from anastasia date fraud a dozen times or more. But this is no time for self-criticism and blame. This is not time for what ifs. It is essential that you be strong. If your ex has decided to leave, there is no amount of begging and crying that will make them stay. No experience is useless, learn from your mistakes or experience and let this experience make you strong, confident and in control, rather than make you desperate, pitiful and pathetic. Believe me, when your ex sees that you are strong and not falling apart but that as a result of what you have learned from the break up, you have become a more mature and secure person, they will hold you in high esteem.

3. It is best to avoid all contact with your ex because keeping in touch with them will only make it harder for you to get over the hurt. It will also make you seem needy and you don't want your ex to feel that you can't do without them. Don't try to convince yourself to believe the lie that you can stay friends with your ex. The fact is, while it is possible to go from friendship to romance, the reverse is impossible. Stopping all communication with your ex will also give you both times to think things through and then decide if you want to get back together or if you are better off without each other. It is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Believe it or not, stopping communication with your ex is an effective tool to actually get them to think about the good times you had, how special you are and to actually miss you. This is something you will be unable to achieve when you are smothering them with endless calls, texts and an incessant cry for attention.

4. Try to be understanding of your ex; they may be hurting just as much as you are. So avoid being unpleasant or sending nasty messages, texts or leaving awful messages on their answering machines. Your ex will naturally expect that you be furious with them and hence be mean to them, so being the contrary will actually be positively shocking and may even change the way your ex from anastasia-date fraud perceives you. Wouldn't you know, they might even begin to show a willingness to communicate that wasn't there before?

5. Be good to yourself. Don't punish yourself for the break up even if the fault is yours. It takes two to tango so a break up is never entirely one person's fault. This is the time to take proper care of you. Eat well, does exercise, read books, get more knowledge. Improve yourself in any way possible. Be well dressed and well-groomed. Look the best you can and be the best you can. This is important to help you have a good self-image and also to build up your confidence. It is easy to lose self-confidence in the midst of break up as we often think the reason things did not work out is because we are not good enough. This is an absolute lie. Looking great and emitting confidence will impress your ex when he sees you and he may thus be motivated to come back to you.

If you have broken up and you want your ex back but feel the situation is hopeless you should check out The Magic of Making Up systems by T Dub. It provides you with a powerful strategy to win back your ex. Feel immediate relief and instantly reconnect with your ex. He has a well laid out strategy on HOW TO GET YOUR EX BACK AND I MOST CERTAINLY WILL RECOMMEND IT.