Registration & Submission

  • Abstract/Full Paper Submission Deadline (for presentation only): 10 December, 2020 12 December, 2020

  • Participation Registration Deadline: 15 December, 2020

  • Registration Fee: INR 500 (Indian participants) & USD 30 (Foreign Participants)

Registration & Submission Guidelines:

The interested participants have to submit the form given below first giving requested details. At this stage no fee is required to deposit. In the form, it is necessary to indicate whether to attend the conference with a presentation or without a presentation. The forms received at our end will be verified and the senders will be contacted with a confirmation mail for the next step or to pay the registration fees. However, the presenter (submitter) need only to pay the registration fees after an abstract/paper is accepted for presentation. In case, an abstract/paper is rejected, the submitter may request to participate without presentation. The certificate of presentation will be provided to the registered presenters only. In case of joint works, the non presenters/collaborators/co-authors may also submit the same form and we will provide them with participation/attendance certificate. The research work to be presented must be original and not under consideration elsewhere partially or in full form. The abstract must be written in 200-500 words highlighting the main findings with a few most appropriate keywords. The names and full address (including e-mail) of all authors/co-authors must be included in abstracts. One author must be indicated as the presenter. The presenters must be registered participants of the conference.

Registration Link:

Full Paper Submission:

Full paper submission to the Conference Proceedings is open. Please see the 'Publication' page in detail for all publication opportunities including in conference proceedings.