This MYFest Dreamscape is a Twine game inspired by the book Emergent Strategy by adrienne maree brown, and specifically her use of the nature emblems from Complex Movements. You can click here for a full-screen version. (Depending on your screen, the full-screen version might be easier to read.) If you are curious about the Twine design, here are some design notes.
This is a game of exploration. You will be prompted to keep exploring until you have visited all the emblems. Then you wake up... or you can choose to dream again.

This game is UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Consider it a fractal design! It will keep growing. If you have ideas about how you would like to see this grow, let me know! I'm @OnlineCrsLady at Twitter, or you can reach me by email: Thank you for your thoughts and ideas!

Game image credits:
Dream swirl. Pxhere.
Ants with rock.
Ants with leaf.
Dandelion head.
Field of dandelions.
Fern macrophotography.
Mycelia. Flickr.
Mushrooms. LibreShot.
Starlings at Gretna. Geograph.
Starlings near Gretna. Geograph.
Subatomic wavicles.
Public Domain Pictures.
Abstract particles.
Negative Space.
The 6 emblems. Complex Movements.

You can read adrienne maree brown's book Emergent Strategy at the Internet Archive. You can also find lots of used copies at BookFinder. Unless otherwise attributed, all quotes in the game come from this book.

If you are curious about the Twine design, here is what it looks like:

screenshot of Twine design panel