Research & Projects

Project 1

Systematic Review of literature for experimental economics research-March 2023 to June 2023

I worked under the guidance of Professor Fabio Galeotti and Professor Astrid Hopfensitz for the project in GATE, Lyon titled "Investigating the impact of educational activities on climate change mitigation and adaptation on social norms: A systematic review of the literature and a development of a novel paradigm".


The tasks assigned to us on a daily basis gave us insight into bibliography management and filtering papers from journals for creating a systematic review. The numerous study that we as a team of interns summarised and compiled gave me an idea of an experimental approach to battle climate change. The tasks also involved assessing educational interventions conducted in high-income countries to identify potential knowledge gaps. This will allow us to identify whether there exist possible normative barriers that prevent changes in behaviour in developing or emerging countries.


I was successfully able to collect data from various articles and papers from top economic journals. The R package and deleting of duplicates were still at trial and we are positive that we might get some results. The final summaries of the papers will aid in the systematic review of the paper, which will in turn be important to ideate the field experiment. Analysing from a large data set of about 3000 papers on climate change education, the team was only able to find 150 relevant papers according to the portfolio given by the spervisors.

Project 2

Analyzing matching and attributes in a dating app using R programming language Dec 2022 to Jan 2023

The process involves loading and exploring user profile data, evaluating the matching algorithm, and scrutinizing user attributes. Through data preparation and visualization, the distribution and correlations of key attributes are assessed. Predictive modeling is employed to understand compatibility, utilizing machine learning algorithms and assessing model performance. Interactive visualizations are created for an in-depth exploration of patterns. The analysis culminates in summarizing insights and offering recommendations for refining the matching algorithm or improving user experience.

Project 3

An analysis of the video game industry using Microsoft Power BI - Jan 2023

In this report, an evaluation of the video games industry is conducted, focusing on the strategies and behaviors of existing stakeholders, along with a comprehensive risk/opportunity analysis. The ultimate goal is to formulate a "go or not go" recommendation for market entry. The assessment leverages Power BI visualizations to provide a clear and data-driven understanding of industry dynamics. Through an exploration of key industry players, their strategies, and the identification of potential risks and opportunities, the report aims to offer strategic insights that will guide the decision-making process regarding market entry.

Project 4

An analysis of motivations for Micro-Transaction in mobile gaming virtual market

Understanding these behaviors requires exploring the intricate interplay of psychological, social, and game-related factors. Players may be motivated by the desire for in-game achievements, the need for social interaction and recognition, the pursuit of competition and status, or the escapism offered by virtual environments. The study delves into the psychological and social aspects that influence individuals to make microtransactions, examining how factors like social influence, peer pressure, and the quest for personal gratification impact decision-making. Additionally, the analysis extends to the game design realm, evaluating how in-game rewards and various monetization strategies are crafted to trigger specific behaviors. This exploration of motivations involves segmenting players based on their preferences and behaviors, ultimately providing valuable insights into the nuanced world of microtransactions within the mobile gaming virtual market.