1India 2023 Weather Predictive Analysis Project

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Weather forecasting is the use of science and technology to forecast atmospheric conditions for a certain place and period.

Types of Weather Forecasting

Short Range Forecasting | Medium Range Forecasting | Long-Range Forecasts

Weather Forecasting Process

A weather forecast is made up of three steps: observation and analysis, extrapolation to determine the state of the atmosphere in the future, and estimation of specific variables. One method of qualitative extrapolation is to conclude the weather features will continue to travel in the same direction as they have been.

Observation and Analysis

1. While data-access policies differ by country, all of these reports are sent to regional and global centers through the World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) Global Telecommunications System (GTS).

2. The data is then compiled, redistributed in the GTS, and used in various numerical forecasting models. Typically, these numerical models begin with data collected between the hours of 0000 and 1200 UTC (7 A.M. and 7 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, respectively).

3. To aid the forecaster, the data is printed, mapped, and graphed in several ways. Furthermore, some "initialization" routines slightly change the data when it enters a prediction model only for that model.

2Youtube API Model

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Objective :

* A library management system is used to maintain library records. 

* To make work simpler in adding student data's to library management database. I use tkinter library to create GUI which helps to perform all this task easier.

* This project tracks Publisher details, Book details,Library Branch details,Book borrower details,Book loan details,Book copies details & Book Author details and how many books are issued, or how many books have been returned or renewed or late fine charges, etc.

3Library Management System using GUI

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Objective :

* A library management system is used to maintain library records. 

* To make work simpler in adding student data's to library management database. I use tkinter library to create GUI which helps to perform all this task easier.

* This project tracks Publisher details, Book details,Library Branch details,Book borrower details,Book loan details,Book copies details & Book Author details and how many books are issued, or how many books have been returned or renewed or late fine charges, etc.

4Object Detection using OpenCV

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Objective :

5Eligibility Validation Report Model for Borrowing Money From Bank

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In simple terms, borrowing money from a bank is simply the same as obtaining a loan.

A Loan is the sum of money that you borrow from the bank or lending financial institution in order to meet needs. These needs could result from planned or unplanned events, and by borrowing, you incur a debt that you have to pay within the agreed duration on your contract

Credit Scores plays a crucial role in borrowing money from a bank. 

Lowering credit scores is very easy, but raising credit scores is very difficult. So you should always pay attention to your credit score so that it doesn't fall. We buy daily necessities, buy houses, eat food, date and invest. You should know how to manage your credit score wisely.


* What will affect your credit score? 

* Who can borrow money from a bank and use a credit card? Let's find out.