
Reflection on Classcraft

After picking apart the specifics of Classcraft, the Education Venture Analyst in me has concluded that it is a promising educational tool and worth investing in.  When it comes to it's usability, I find it to be more suitable for elementary school teachers.  While I don't doubt it could have success in secondary education, I find that the platform's design is geared toward students in the age ranges of 5-12.  Not only that, it seems more fitting for teachers that have one class of students throughout the day, whereas secondary teachers typically have several periods with several sets of students - not the ideal scenario for implementing a resource like Classcraft.  

The pricing seems reasonable considering the applicability of this resource.  Classcraft is not the type of resource that a teacher would use once in awhile.  The decision to use Classcraft is the decision to use it as the foundation of learning and behaviour management throughout the year.  It plays a part in promoting a classroom community, engaging lesson structure, reward-based behaviour management, and more.  To have the extensive resources and all of its features for the annual price of USD $120 is a deal!  If the price seems too high, there is still the free option that still offers gamified classroom management, parent features and messaging, personalized learning quests, and interactive class tools.

With the unique design of Classcraft, I expect it to avoid the risk becoming ousted by competitors.  There are many technologies that offer the gamification experience in the classroom, but there are few that offer it the way Classcraft does.  Classcraft provides the gamification of both lesson content AND behaviour management all bundled into one cohesive platform.  The avatar and character building element allows students to strongly identify with their digital selves and take pride in their accomplishments.  What's more, Classcraft offers a list of creatively made story lines that educators can intertwine with their own pre-existing course materials.  It doesn't require certain curricular content and can be used for a broad range of subjects.  With all this said, I strongly believe Classcraft has what it takes to become dominant in the education technology market.

Check it out for yourself!