Verso's Check-in TOol

Collecting Student Feedback

Educators, how frequently do you collect feedback from students on the following areas:

Verso provides a platform for educators to conduct check-ins with their students and gather this input. After students complete the check-in, Verso's machine learning algorithm analyzes their responses using data from over 4.3 million student inputs (Mcloughlin, 2023b).

Analyzing Responses With Machine Learning

The first aspect analyzed by Verso's machine learning algorithm is whether students can identify the learning intention. The algorithm looks for specific elements in the student responses, including a verb (such as analyze or identify) that describes the learning approach, a noun representing the concept or big idea of the lesson, and a narrowing focus or context indicating the situation in which the verb applies. These elements are then evaluated using a four-point rubric to assess the accuracy of the students' description of a measurable learning outcome (Mcloughlin, 2023a).

The second aspect coded by Verso's machine learning system is students' ability to support their self-assessment. Students are given three options for self-assessment: "Got it," "I'm almost there," and "I'm confused." If students select "Got it," the algorithm looks for evidence that supports their understanding of the learning intention. If they choose "I'm almost there," the algorithm examines whether students can articulate their next step in the learning process. For those who select "I'm confused," the algorithm assesses whether they can identify specific support they need from the teacher (Mcloughlin, 2023a).

Viewing and Reflecting on Results

In the "My Impact" dashboard, educators have access to the coded student responses and can review the organized check-in data from the last 5 check-ins conducted with their students. Additionally, if the entire school utilizes Verso, the dashboard displays the school average, enabling educators to compare their students' performance with the overall school data (Stubbs, 2023).

Teacher self-reflection holds significant value in today's educational landscape. It allows educators to analyze their teaching practices, make adjustments, and enhance student learning experiences.

Within the page displaying the results for each individual check-in, educators will find a separate drop-down menu titled "Ask Yourself" under the summary of the responses for these three aspects of the check-in: "Student self-assessment," "emotional response," and "Preferred strategies." The "Ask Yourself" drop-down menu includes prompts designed to encourage reflection on the information gathered from the student responses.