The TDAi 2170 is rated at 170 watts per channel, and uses a digital pulse code modulated (PCM) audio signal from a digital source (SPIDF, USB, HDMI, etc) and converts it to a pulse width modulated signal (PWM) which is then applied directly to the output stage, where it is converted to a low-voltage analog signal for driving the speakers. What are the supposed benefits of the Lyngdorf approach to digital amplification?

Both systems have two outputs (Previous and Program) and a video output with both digital and analog connectivity. A preview in Mosaic mode with two modes is available on both models and EDID management is standard for all sources. In addition, Eikos2 features a Quadravision mode with 4 layers on a background and the Quick Frame function that can hide the other layers. Pressing a simple button allows you to return to the previous screen.

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First off, yes, I am aware of what notching is and the effects it has on pulse doppler radar along with chaff. With that out of the way, I have noticed recently in multiplayer that Aim-120's seem to be getting spoofed quite easily by targets that notch and deploy chaff. For older missiles, this would seem appropriate, however for the Aim-120, it does not. Given that this is an ADVANCED medium range air to air missile, I would assume that though the missile may no longer be able to detect the target that is notching, it would still continue to fly towards the last calculated position of the target as opposed to pulling over 10g's to chase the chaff. This behavior is shown in the track provided. What is even more bizarre, is that the missile decides to go for the chaff just seconds before impact, before the chaff has much time to expand. I have been flying DCS for a while now and realize that this has always been a problem, (missiles deciding to go for countermeasures at the last second). Thoughts?

Additionally monopulse systems unique way of working they will be able to tell if there is multiple targets in the resolution cell. In general two targets will not be at the *exact* same distance and this will cause the return to shift in phase from what would be expected with one target. With this being maximized if the two targets are moving away from each other, in our case our chaff bundle and the targeted airplane. This is measurable and ultimately, if I understand correctly, one can take this and 'weight' the radar towards one or the other target.

The chaff speed doesn't matter in the air. You can't filter the chaff out just because it is just floating in the air at couple meters per second. The chaff cloud size will generate a "bouncing box" or a "mirror house". Your pulse doppler radar signal will get reflected at various distances from the could, generating various speeds and sizes constantly. Larger the cloud, more speed and size variations there is. You are basically jamming your own radar with false speed and distance information. But larger the chaff cloud grows, less signal does it block through it. Why you have the programmed pattern to maximize the chaff size for its density depending the known radar tracking you.

As the chaff is not just "a wall" that blocks things, it is multiple targets, multiple speeds, multiple vectors as well. Confusing signals from large area that match to the radar own pulses as well there are ECM pulses.

Yeah and as such chaff on a fighter is not going to be effective at all against stuff like the amraam. It will always be able to range gate and Vgate out chaff from any aspect. If not just reject it outright once its outside the res cell, hec with monopulse even inside the res cell.

Well this is why things such as MTI/MTD and rcs edge tracking were all developed for older pulse radars. Plus its not going to be going in a left to right manner for tracking, even the SA2 uses a conical scan with a very tight 1 beam.

I think your severely underestimating the rate at which pulses are being sent out and the target data updated. I know for a fact that, for example, on the mig-23 in its guidance mode the prf is 100khz. Lets say you need 10 pulses to know for certain a targets position/speed/azimuth/solve for multiple targets in the res cell. And further that the system can process data only at 5khz. This still allows you 500 updates per second... This is probably exceptionally low compared to something like the amraam but still that is fast. And considering that monopulse seekers can solve for the angle between two targets in the res-cell after only two pulses... The amount of time were talking about here makes all of the effects that chaff could induce very very very minimal.

Doppler is never dropped from the chaff. You need to ignore the chaff as its doppler returns doesn't make sense. It is counter measurement that is purposely causing pulse doppler radars to have all kind problems to know what there is as it speed varies constantly more the larger the cloud spreads. It is not a stationary flare like in DCS. If you have chaff cloud that is 30 meters wide, it will give larger target than that, but it will as well give a speed velocities inside that 30 meter by couple times as you are receiving multiple distances and in the general direction and going to all kind directions. Your own signal goes crazy by its return.

I know for a fact that, for example, on the mig-23 in its guidance mode the prf is 100khz. Lets say you need 10 pulses to know for certain a targets position/speed/azimuth/solve for multiple targets in the res cell. And further that the system can process data only at 5khz. This still allows you 500 updates per second... This is probably exceptionally low compared to something like the amraam but still that is fast. And considering that monopulse seekers can solve for the angle between two targets in the res-cell after only two pulses... The amount of time were talking about here makes all of the effects that chaff could induce very very very minimal.

If its outside the main beam iirc you'll often see that returns on on the order of 40db lower than in the main lobe. And one of the whole points of stuff like range gatting, velocity gatting, and even various filtering techniques is to minimize the error created by sidelobe clutter. Yes as chaff is dropped there will be a brief moment that the target will appear larger and may drag the aimpoint behind the target. I've never disagreed on this point. Just that this would have much of an effect in the long run. Especially if you are not dropping chaff essentially continually. As the time the bundle would stay in the main lobe, let alone the res cell, is very small. Again monopulse seekers like on the amraam can start to solve for unresolved targets after only a few pulses. In the end I just don't see this being enough to either A) through off the seeker or B) how it could give enough time or produce enough error to cause a large enough miss for the proxy fuze to not hit. As was shown in MACE the chaff was in the main lobe of the seeker inbetween the seeker and the target. Yet it was filtered out. The level of simulation in MACE is insane and I fully trust its results there as its in agreement with many different sources about what would happen.

No getting into the notch will absolutely break a lock. I just don't see chaff breaking the lock on a PD based missile, especially monopulse based seekers. As it falls out away from the target very quickly. A towed decoy will stay in the main beam up until a short time before impact. Even then based on what i've read it is still possible for seekers like the 120's monopulse to determine there is a false target, the towed decoy in our case, in the main beam and track towards the real target. This is why more sophisticated and monopulse specific jamming techniques have had to be developed. And even if it somehow does force a break lock it should still be fully possible for the seeker to reacquire the target. For SARH if the main radar maintains lock, and for active if the target is still in the seekers fov/search pattern. e24fc04721

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