
Bielefeld University

The workshop will take place at Bielefeld University, in room X-E0-001, i.e. in the so called "X-Building" floor 0, room 001. This is a more modern building, only a few steps north of the main building. E.g. if you arrive via tram, it will be on your right when walking over the big red bridge towards the main building. Inside the X-Building, you will find signs of the workshop that lead the way.

The registration will take place in room X-E0-222.


Universität Bielefeld, Universitätsstraße 25, 33615 Bielefeld

by Train & Tram

Since there is no airport nearby, it is usual to arrive at the Bielefeld main station. From here, it is convenient to take the tram no. 4 direction "Lohmannshof" until the tram station of "Bielefeld University" (7 minutes) . Alternatively, a taxi from the main station costs about 8€.

by Car

From the north: You can take the A2 from Hannover to Dortmund, exit at "Bielefeld-Ost", follow the street signs towards the centre ("Zentrum"), and from there the University ("Universität") is signposted.

From the south: You can take the A2 from Dortmund to Hannover. At "Dreieck Bielefeld" on the A33 towards "Bielefeld-Zentrum", exit "Bielefeld-Zentrum", towards Zentrum on the B61, exit "Universität", way over Stapenhorststr., Kurt-Schumacher-Str. (is signposted).