Gastrointestinal Physiology, a volume in the Mosby Physiology Monograph Series, explains the fundamentals of gastrointestinal physiology in a clear and concise manner. Ideal for your systems-based curriculum, this fully updated medical textbook provides you with a basic understanding of how the GI system functions in both health and disease.

The gastrointestinal (GI) system is responsible for the digestion and absorption of ingested food and liquids. Due to the complexity of the GI tract and the substantial volume of material that could be covered under the scope of GI physiology, this chapter briefly reviews the overall function of the GI tract, and discusses the major factors affecting GI physiology and function, including the intestinal microbiota, chronic stress, inflammation, and aging with a focus on the neural regulation of the GI tract and an emphasis on basic brain-gut interactions that serve to modulate the GI tract. GI diseases refer to diseases of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, and rectum. The major symptoms of common GI disorders include recurrent abdominal pain and bloating, heartburn, indigestion/dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. GI disorders rank among the most prevalent disorders, with the most common including esophageal and swallowing disorders, gastric and peptic ulcer disease, gastroparesis or delayed gastric emptying, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Many GI disorders are difficult to diagnose and their symptoms are not effectively managed. Thus, basic research is required to drive the development of novel therapeutics which are urgently needed. One approach is to enhance our understanding of gut physiology and pathophysiology especially as it relates to gut-brain communications since they have clinical relevance to a number of GI complaints and represent a therapeutic target for the treatment of conditions including inflammatory diseases of the GI tract such as IBD and functional gut disorders such as IBS.

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Gain a foundational understanding of gastrointestinal physiology and how the GI system functions in health and disease. Gastrointestinal Physiology, a volume in the Mosby Physiology Series, explains the fundamentals of this complex subject in a clear and concise manner, while helping you bridge the gap between normal function and disease with pathophysiology content throughout the book.

Gain a foundational understanding of gastrointestinal physiology and how the GI system functions in health and disease. Gastrointestinal Physiology, a volume in the Mosby Physiology Series, explains the fundamentals of this complex subject in a clear and concise manner, while helping you bridge the gap between normal function and disease with pathophysiology content throughout the book.

The gastrointestinal (GI) system comprises the GI tract and accessory organs. The GI tract consists of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anal canal. The accessory organs include the teeth, tongue, and glandular organs such as salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. The main functions of the GI system include ingestion and digestion of food, nutrient absorption, secretion of water and enzymes, and excretion of waste products.

The GI system is complex, and the amount of material that could be covered is substantial. Therefore, this article serves as an overview of GI tract physiology, with reference links diving deeper into complex topics.

Further along the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis involves inflammation of the stomach. This condition can vary, depending on the duration of symptoms. Gastritis may have an acute onset caused by NSAIDs or mucosal ischemia. Chronic causes of gastritis are typically due to Helicobacter pylori or autoimmune disease. One such cause of autoimmune disease is pernicious anemia, a condition preventing either the proper formation of intrinsic factor or its binding to vitamin B12, a nutrient vital in physiologic processes such as DNA and RNA synthesis, hematopoiesis, and neurologic function.[20] Vitamin B12 deficiency can also be attributed to a lack of dietary intake, as the nutrient must be acquired through animal products or supplemented food sources.

Within the accessory organs of the gastrointestinal tract, there are hereditary hyperbilirubinemia disorders such as Gilbert syndrome, Dublin-Johnson syndrome, and Crigler-Najjar syndrome. The commonality among these conditions is the impairment of normal processes that allow proper uptake, conjugation, and excretion of bilirubin waste products. Other accessory organ pathologies include hemochromatosis, Wilson disease, biliary tract diseases, and pancreatitis. Diseases of the gallbladder prevent proper storage of bile from the liver, leading to malabsorption in the gut. Examples of these conditions include cholelithiasis, choledocholithiasis, and cholecystitis.

These diseases warrant proper workup starting with a thorough history and physical examination. Obtaining a history of present illness is essential to the diagnosis of gastrointestinal system disease and clarification of questions regarding the location and duration of the pain, radiation or changes in intensity, precipitating factors, associated symptoms such as fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, changes in bowel habitus, and stool color. Inquiries on any previous episodes of illness or related illnesses and prior surgeries, medication lists, and allergies are crucial.[21]

A proper and thorough physical examination is imperative in the workup of gastrointestinal system diseases. All four quadrants of the abdomen must be inspected to appreciate the general abdominal contour.[22] Proper inspection allows for identifying any surgical scars, bulges, hemangiomas, or dilated veins of a caput medusae when present. Patients may be asked to cough to check for abdominal herniation. After inspection, auscultation is performed to detect any abnormal bowel sounds, rubs, or bruits. It is necessary to consider the anatomical location of the different abdominal organs, as this determines the sounds heard and the pathologies that correlate. For example, auscultating the right upper quadrant checks for liver rubs and bowel sounds while listening to the left upper quadrant examines rubs or bruits within the splenic region. The sounds' pitch, intensity, and duration should also be appreciated during auscultation.

Gain a foundational understanding of gastrointestinal physiology and how the GI system functions in health and disease. Gastrointestinal Physiology, a volume in the Mosby Physiology Series, explains the fundamentals of this complex subject in a clear and concise manner, while helping you bridge the gap between normal function and disease with pathophysiology content throughout the book.

Blaustein, Kao, & Matteson: Cellular Physiology and Neurophysiology Cloutier: Respiratory Physiology Koeppen & Stanton: Renal Physiology Pappano & Weir: Cardiovascular Physiology  White, Harrison, & Mehlmann: Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology Hudnall: Hematology: A Pathophysiologic Approach 

 Author Information 

 By Leonard R. Johnson, PhD, Thomas A. Gerwin Professor and Chairman, Department of Physiology, The University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, Memphis, TN, USA Product Details More Information ISBN Number 9780323595636 Main Author By Leonard R. Johnson, PhD Copyright Year 2019 Edition Number 9 Format Book Trim 191w x 235h Illustrations 89 illustrations (89 in full color) Imprint Elsevier Page Count 176 Publication Date 4 Oct 2018 Stock Status IN STOCK Table Of Contents

Blaustein, Kao, & Matteson: Cellular Physiology and Neurophysiology Cloutier: Respiratory Physiology Koeppen & Stanton: Renal Physiology Pappano & Weir: Cardiovascular Physiology  White, Harrison, & Mehlmann: Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology Hudnall: Hematology: A Pathophysiologic Approach 

 Author Information 

 By Leonard R. Johnson, PhD, Thomas A. Gerwin Professor and Chairman, Department of Physiology, The University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, Memphis, TN, USA Product Details More Information ISBN Number 9780323595636 Description Author List By Leonard R. Johnson, PhD, Thomas A. Gerwin Professor and Chairman, Department of Physiology, The University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, Memphis, TN, USA Copyright Year 2019 Edition Number 9 Format Book Trim 191w x 235h Illustrations 89 illustrations (89 in full color) Imprint Elsevier Page Count 176 Publication Date 5 Oct 2018 Stock Status IN STOCK Table Of Contents

Blaustein, Kao, & Matteson: Cellular Physiology and Neurophysiology Cloutier: Respiratory Physiology Koeppen & Stanton: Renal Physiology Pappano & Weir: Cardiovascular Physiology  White, Harrison, & Mehlmann: Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology Hudnall: Hematology: A Pathophysiologic Approach 

 Author Information 

 By Leonard R. Johnson, PhD, Thomas A. Gerwin Professor and Chairman, Department of Physiology, The University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, Memphis, TN, USA Product Details More Information ISBN Number 9780323595636 Description Author List By Leonard R. Johnson, PhD, Thomas A. Gerwin Professor and Chairman, Department of Physiology, The University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, Memphis, TN, USA Copyright Year 2019 Edition Number 9 Format Book Trim 191w x 235h Illustrations 89 illustrations (89 in full color) Imprint Elsevier Page Count 176 Publication Date 5 Oct 2018 Stock Status Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery Table Of Contents 589ccfa754

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