An Vo

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I am a Staff Research Scientist at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. Prior to this, I was a research scientist at Xerox Research Centre Europe (now NAVER LABS Europe), France. Previously, I was a System Analyst and Software Engineer in Singapore.

I obtained a PhD  in Computer Science (Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning) from University of Trento** and research center Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK).

My research interests lie in AI4Code, AI for IT Automation, and NLP topics (e.g. Information Extraction, Semantic Similarity/Relatedness, Textual Entailment, Paraphrasing, Question Answering, Natural Language Interface to Databases, Sentiment Analysis).

My works can be found here: IBM Research, LinkedIn, Google Scholar, DBLP, Research Gate, JUSTIA Patents

Contact: hoangyenan AT yahoo DOT com

**University of Trento is ranked 1st in Italy, 18th in Europe, and 90th worldwide in 2023 for Computational Linguistics. It is also ranked 171st for all CS subjects and 114th worldwide for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in CSRankings, respectively.


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