Evidence of Effective Teaching

Current Syllabi:

I have included copies of the most current syllabi for each course I am currently teaching, which illustrates the structure that I believe facilitates learning in my online or hybrid environments. Note that during the fall and spring terms, my typically enrollment for Epidemiology is about 35 students, while that for Cancer & Society is 40 students and Urban Health is 50 students. Examples of teaching materials including lecture slides, videos and supplementary readings are available upon request . See below for my syllabi from the most recent fall or spring term for:

Cancer and Society (10:832:405)

Epidemiology (10:832:335)

Urban Health (10:832:235)

Teaching Evaluation Data, including student comments:

With respect to teaching effectiveness (question #9 on our Student Instructional Ratings form), my average across all courses that I have taught for Bloustein since fall 2014 are 4.71 or higher (where 5="strongly agree"). By course, my averages for teaching effectiveness are 4.71 for Epidemiology, 4.76 for Cancer & Society, and 4.71 for Urban Health.

My evaluations for course quality (question #10) are 4.64 or higher (where 5="strong agree"). By course, my averages for course quality are : 4.64 for Epidemiology, 4.71 for Cancer & Society, and 4.64 for Urban Health.

Please note that Epidemiology (335) is a required course for the major, while Cancer& Society (405) and Urban Health (235) are electives. Also, I tend to offer my courses in an online environment, which I especially like because of my ability to elicit vibrant, Peer-led discussions from students.

Cancer and Society (10:832:405): teaching evaluation data and student comments

Epidemiology (10:832:335): teaching evaluation data and student comments

Urban Health )10:832:235): teaching evaluation data and student comments

Select "Thank You" email or cards:

I regularly receive "Thank You" email or cards from students. While I appreciate each and everyone one of them, I have put a few really special ones below:

Lilly T. (a card that I have often reread; this student had just returned to Rutgers after a prolonged medical absence)

Priya A. (a card that I received after teaching my first course at Rutgers)

Eileen (Image below; a thank you for mentoring this amazing student in her quest to become an epidemiologist and after serving on a panel discussion she hosted as a STEM Ambassador)