Gitgraph Download


With the help of these key git commands, you will be able to draw a gitgraph in Mermaid very easily and quickly. Entity names are often capitalized, although there is no accepted standard on this, and it is not required in Mermaid.

Mermaid syntax for a gitgraph is very straight-forward and simple. It follows a declarative-approach, where each commit is drawn on the timeline in the diagram, in order of its occurrences/presence in code. Basically, it follows the insertion order for each command.

First thing you do is to declare your diagram type using the ________ keyword. This gitgraph keyword, tells Mermaid that you wish to draw a gitgraph, and parse the diagram code accordingly.

Each gitgraph, is initialized with 1____ branch. So unless you create a different branch, by-default the commits will go to the main branch. This is driven with how git works, where in the beginning you always start with the main branch (formerly called as 2______ branch). And by-default, main branch is set as your 3______________.

My specific interesting of gitgraph is to branch/merge ideas in my research activities. Naturally, I always test new ideas or check new datasets. gitgraph is very suitable for this case to visualise relationship among tiddlers for a project.

With this blueprint setup I now have a starting point for further visualizations using gitgraph and codepen comparing Gerrit and Github, for example below comparing a merged pull request consisting of two commits, the second of which contains fixes for the first, vs a single change in gerrit, that has 2 seperate versions. 5376163bf9

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