International Conference
[30] J.-H. Lee and D.-W. Seo, "Low Sidelobe Design of Comb-Line Array Antenna Using Modified Stubs in Millimeter-Wave Band," 2024 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2024), Nov. 5– 8, Incheon, South Korea, 2024.
[29] J.-S. Kim, S.-H. Park, and D.-W. Seo, "Validation of Vector Radiative Transfer Method for Fast RCS Estimation Using MoM," 2024 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2024), Nov. 5– 8, Incheon, South Korea, 2024.
[28] H. Kim, S.-J. Jeon, and D.-W. Seo, "Unique Structure to Improve Transfer Distance in Multi-Tx WPT System: Stacked Structure," 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (IEEE AP-S/URSI 2024), July 14–19, Florence, Italy, 2024.
[27] J.-H. Lee, J.-S. Kim, and D.-W. Seo, "Millimeter-Wave Microstrip Comb-Line Array Antenna with Low Sidelobe Level," 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2023), Oct. 30–Nov. 2, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2023.
[26] J.-Y. Ha and D.-W. Seo, "A 1-Bit Electronically Reconfigurable Unit Cell Using PIN Diode for Reflectarray Antenna," IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Sep. 6–8, Canberra, Australia, 2023.
[25] J.-S. Kim and D.-W. Seo, "Employing Vector Radiative Transfer to Estimate RCS of Chaff Cloud in Real-Time," IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Sep. 6–8, Canberra, Australia, 2023.
[24] H.-C. Kim, J.-S. Jeon, and D.-W. Seo, "Experiment and Analysis of Relationship Between Transmission Distance and Multiple-Transmitter WPT System," IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Sep. 6–8, Canberra, Australia, 2023.
[23] J.-S. Kim, D.-Y. Lee, and D.-W. Seo, "Application of Vector Radiative Transfer Theory for Real-time Chaff Cloud Simulation," IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (IEEE AP-S/URSI 2023), pp. 661– 662, July 23–28, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2023.
[22] D. Kim, M. Choi, and D.-W. Seo, "Hierarchical Video Caching and Transcoding for Delay-Constrained Content Delivery," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Mobile and Wireless Network Symposium, pp. 3696–3702, Rome, Italy, 28 May– 01 June 2023.
[21] D. Kim, M. Choi, and D.-W. Seo, "Distributed Antenna System-Assisted Energy Efficient SWIPT with Orthogonal Multiple Access," the 13th International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC2022), Oct. 19–21, Jeju Island, Korea, 2022.
[20] D.-Y. Lee, J.-I. Lee, and D.-W. Seo, "Dynamic RCS Estimation of Drone Using Method of Moments Ignoring Coupling Between Propellers," 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas & Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (IEEE AP-S/URSI 2022), pp. 83–J84, July 10– 15, Denver, USA, 2022.
[19] D.-Y. Lee, J.-I. Lee, and D.-W. Seo, "Dynamic RCS Estimation According to Drone Movement Using MoM and Far-Field Approximation," Internation Symposium on Marine Engineering and Technology 2021 (ISMT2021), Oct. 21–23, Busan, Korea, 2021.
[18] S. Jeon and D. Seo, "Design Method of Three-Coil WPT System to Adjust Resonant Capacitances," 2020 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC), Nov. 15–19, Seoul, Korea, 2020. (2020.11.16.)
[17] J.-H. Lee, J. M. Lee, K. C. Hwang, Y.-S. Won, S.-H. Jeong, D. Shin, C. Lee, Y. Song, D.-W. Seo, "Millimeter-Wave Capacitively Coupled Microstrip Patch Array Antenna for 79 GHz Radar Sensors," 2019 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2019), Oct. 27-30, Xi'an, China, 2019. (2019.10.28.)
[16] J.-S. Jeon and D.-W. Seo, "New Approach for Estimating of Practical Mutual Inductance for Multi-Coil WPT System," 2nd International Conference on Advanced Convergence Engineering (ICACE2019), pp. 84, Aug. 28–30, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2019. (2019.08.30.)
[15] D.-W. Seo, J.-H. Lee, and M.-R. Park, "High-Efficiency Wireless Power Transfer by Controlling Free Resonant Frequencies," Proceedings of ISAP2016, pp. 518-519, Oct. 24-28, Ginowan, Okinawa, Japan, 2016. (2016.10.25.)
[14] J.-H. Lee, D.-W. Seo, and M.-R. Park, "Incoherent Scattering Analysis for Radar Clutter," 2015 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, pp. 392-394, Nov. 9-12, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 2015. (2015.11.11.)
[13] D.-W. Seo, J.-H. Lee, and H. Lee, "Design of Implantable Antenna on the Dielectric/Ferrite Substrate for Wireless Biotelemetry," 2015 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, pp. 94-96, Nov. 9-12, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 2015. (2015.11.10.)
[12] H. Jang, M. Ma, D. Seo, J. Lee, H. Lee, and F. Bien, "Low Power Receiver for Medical Implantable Communication System using Delay Locked Loop," IEEE International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications(IMES-Bio 2014), pp. 237-239, Dec. 8-10, London, UK, 2014. (2014.12.10).
[11] J.-H. Lee, D.-W. Seo, H.S. Lee, "Design of Implantable Rectangular Spiral Antenna with U-shaped Loop for Biomedical Applications," Proceedings of ISAP 2014, pp. 535-536, Dec. 2-5, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2014. (2014.12.05.)
[10] D.-W. Seo, J.-H. Lee, H.S. Lee, "Integration of Resonant Coil and Antenna for Wireless Power Transfer and Data Telemetry," Proceedings of ISAP 2014, pp. 617-618, Dec. 2-5, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2014. (2014.12.05.)
[9] J. Y. Kim, D. W. Seo, J. H. Lee, and H. S. Lee, "Implantable Wireless Device Platform," the 8th International Symposium on Embedded Technology, ISET 2013, Daegu Metropolitan City, 23-24 May, 2013. (2013.05.23.)
[8] I. H. Choi, H. Lim, D. W. Seo, K. U. Bae, and N. H. Myung, "Analysis of Electromagnetic Backscattering from Rotational Flat Blades," 2010 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Macau, China, Nov. 2010. (2010.11.25.)
[7] S. Y. Yang, D. W. Seo, and N. H. Myung, "Optimal Location and Number of Access Points based on Ray-Tracing and Particle Swarm Optimization," 2010 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Macau, China, Nov. 2010. (2010.11.25.)
[6] D. W. Seo and N. H. Myung, "Effective Medium Model with Single Uniform Density Considering the Orientaion Distribution of Wire-Type Scatterers," 2009 Korea-Japan Joint Conference, Incheon, Korea, pp. 311-314, May 2009. (2009.05.14.)
[5] D. W. Seo and N. H. Myung, "The RCS of Wire-type Scattering Structures," Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2008, Hongkong, China, pp. H5-05, Dec. 2008. (2008.12.19.)
[4] D. W. Seo and N. H. Myung, "Analysis of mutual coupling effects on channel capacity of Rician MIMO channel," Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2008, Hongkong, China, pp. G1-09, Dec. 2008. (2008.12.17.)
[3] S. L. Shrestha, A. Lee, J. Lee, D.-W. Seo, K. Lee, J. Lee, S. Chong, and N. H. Myung, "A Group of People Acts like a Black Body in a Wireless Mesh Network," IEEE Globecom 2007 Wireless Networking, 2007. (2007.12.26.)
[2] H. Lim, J. H. Lee, S. H. Lim, D. W. Seo, D. H. Shin, and N. H. Myung, "A Novel Compact Coplanar Waveguide Bandstop Filter Based on Split-Ring Resonators," International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation 2007, Niigata, Japan, pp. 1470-1473, Aug. 2007. (2007.08.23.)
[1] Y. C. Oh, D. W. Seo, J. H. Lee, S. H. Lim, and N. H. Myung, "Small Wideband RFID Tag Antenna Mountable on Metallic Surface," International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation 2007, Niigata, Japan, pp. 632-635, Aug. 2007. (2007.08.23.)