About Us

The Graduate Chapter of the American Mathematical Society at The University of Texas at Arlington (AMS UTA) was established on 

May 1, 2018, as an organization with the following objectives:

·       To foster community among graduate students in mathematics at The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) by committing to the multi-dimensional needs of emerging mathematicians

·       To promote social interaction and professional development within the UTA Department of Mathematics

·       To offer a forum for scientific exploration and mathematical discourse through training, mentoring, observing, and practice

·       To connect graduate students with potential mentors, collaborators, colleagues, peers, and friends within the greater society of domestic and international mathematics by supporting travel to academic institutions and research institutions and by inviting visitors to UTA

·       To generate interest in participating in AMS sponsored activities.

The Fall 2024 leadership comprises:

Past Leadership

“First rule of leadership: everything is your fault.” - A Bug's Life