Project Overview and Timeline

Need identified: The library does not have a makerspace. The school goals include developing 21st-century skills. Some teachers use project-based and maker-mindset learning, but not all teachers. There are resources scattered around the school -- LittleBits, a 3D printer -- that never get used. The library is a central location, and is accessible to all students.

Collaboration between the teachers and the librarian is limited partly because of the class schedule. There is a 6th-grade library elective every day, which takes the librarian's time. A makerspace could provide a way to increase collaboration by introducing lessons that are truly co-taught, and by increasing interest in the library space.


  • Survey teachers to discover basic knowledge of and interest in a makerspace. Ask for volunteers for collaboration.

  • Conduct a needs assessment, using Mackin's Needs Assessment form as a guide (Mackin is one of the few approved vendors for DoDEA schools)

  • Speak with teachers one on one for more guidance re: their needs

  • Assess the library space

  • Assess existing materials and collect them

  • Create procedures and project cards

  • Set up March Book Madness activity, with FlipGrid book talks by students

  • Conduct a professional development "petting zoo" for Encore teachers

  • Plan and co-teach a makerspace lesson*

  • Create a digital version of a makerspace activity for poetry month in April, to replace the walk-by station idea we'd planned

*Unfortuately, this step wasn't possible, due to the COVID-19 situation