Scientific Statements

Commitment to diversity in science. I believe that many different factors, both within and outside of our control, impact our academic opportunities. To date, socioeconomic barriers continue to prevent some of the most brilliant minds from participating in and contributing to science. With such barriers comes the loss of knowledge, innovations, and new technologies with the potential to benefit humanity, and is therefore a loss to all. I am committed to ensuring that one’s race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, political affiliation, or socioeconomic status does not prevent an individual from pursing education and research. This requires both immediate and long-term interventions at the educational, political, and societal level—no one person can achieve this, but together I believe we all share a mutual responsibility to engage in open and honest conversations about the composition of our universities and to continually reevaluate how we can reduce barriers.

I am also increasingly troubled by partisan rhetoric on both sides of the political ideological spectrum. Science and the pursuit of truth and knowledge hinges on a fragile ecosystem of proposals and critiques. Increasingly, we are constructing academic institutions in which people do not feel that they can speak openly and honestly. Whether or not I personally agree or disagree with dominantly held views, I do not believe that echo chambers are healthy, nor can they serve the broader scientific mission of pursing truth. In my own personal work environment and collaborations, I am committed to ensuring that everyone feels heard, regardless of their identity and their views.

Commitment to open & transparent science. I am committed to ensuring that my scientific practices are thorough, reproducible, and transparent. Like many others, I have felt that the pressures and expectations of scientific productivity in academia can far outpace the discovery of real and meaningful scientific contributions. I believe that this type of system is unsustainable, threatens the integrity of science, and stifles innovation. I am simultaneously committed to thorough and transparent science and speaking out against long-held, toxic publishing practices.