
Thermoelectric materials

Thermoelectric materials have a unique ability to convert waste heat into electricity. By maintaining one side of the material at a hot temperature and the other side at a cold temperature, a voltage is generated. The efficiency of a TE material is gauged by a parameter called figure-of-merit – ZT, given by  ZT = sS2T/K, where s is electrical conductivity, S- Seebeck coefficient, K- thermal conductivity and T – absolute temperature. To harness this technology for commercial applications, it is essential to enhance the ZT value of TE materials, and novel materials should be designed. In our research, we investigate conducting polymers and inorganic-organic composites and devise innovative strategies to boost the ZT and make these materials suitable for flexible, room-temperature devices.

Multilayer structures 

Resistive random access memory (RRAM) devices represent a breakthrough in non-volatile memory technology, offering enhanced storage capabilities and versatility. These devices rely on the resistive switching phenomenon, where the resistance state of a thin dielectric layer sandwiched between two metal electrodes can be altered and retained. The multilayer architecture involves stacking multiple resistive switching layers, enabling increased data storage density and improved performance. This design allows for efficient scaling of memory capacity without compromising on speed or reliability. Multilayer RRAM devices exhibit low power consumption, faster read and write speeds, and excellent endurance, making them promising candidates for future memory technologies in applications ranging from portable electronics to advanced computing systems. In our research, such multilayer configuration is investigated to develop highly efficient and scalable non-volatile memory solutions in the ever-evolving landscape of electronic devices. 

Oxide thin films and heterostructures

Functional oxide thin films and heterostructures have a wide application. Ferroelectric ultrahigh energy density capacitors represent a cutting-edge class of electrostatic energy storage devices, garnering significant attention for their remarkable performance in pulsed electronic applications. These capacitors can replace batteries or supercapacitors and exhibit an exceptional capacity to store and release energy rapidly, making them invaluable for applications requiring high power densities. One key strategy for maximizing their energy storage capabilities involves the use of advanced materials and design principles. By incorporating ferroelectric materials with ultrahigh polarization and carefully engineered heterostructures, these capacitors can achieve unprecedented levels of breakdown strength while minimizing energy losses. The development of such capacitors holds promise for enhancing the efficiency and performance of electronic devices that demand rapid and powerful energy delivery, ranging from medical equipment to cutting-edge technological systems.