Prof. J.K.Chen (陳貞光), earned his MSc and PhD in Materials Engineering Science from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) in 1992 and 1995, respectively. He worked at McMaster University (Canada) and Corporate Research of Exxon Research and Engineering Company (New Jersey, USA) before joining R&D Dept. of China Steel Corp. (Taiwan) in 1998. He started his academic career at Dept. Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering of National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech) in 2005. The AMPL lab was founded in the same year.
Prof. Chen has been assigned Chair of Dept. Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering of National Taipei University of Technology from 2016 to 2021 and Dean of College of Engineering (2021~2024). He also serves as the President and Vice President for Taiwan Foundry Society, Powders and Powder Metallurgy Association of the Republic of China, and Chinese Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. He is currently the Chief Editor of "Mining and Metallurgy" (in Chinese) and translates the Chinese version of well-received "Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials" (6th edition) by Gaskell and Laughlin in 2020. The contributions were notably mentioned by the author in the 7th edition newly published in 2025.
陳教授余2016-2021擔任國立臺北科技大學材料及資源工程系主任暨材料科學與工程研究所所長,並於2021~2024年接任工程學院院長。目前擔任包括:台灣鑄造學會、中華民國粉體及粉末冶金協會、以及中國鑛冶工程學會等三會理事長、副理事長等職務,現任鑛冶期刊主編,並於2020年編譯完成由Gaskell 與Laughlin所合著的「材料熱力學」第六版中文版一書,並在2025最新發行的第七版中獲得原著作者特別致謝。
學經歷 / Academic Experience
Professor, Department of Mineral Resources & Materials Engineering
National Taipei University of Technology
2024- 台灣鑄造學會 理事長,
President and General Director, Taiwan Foundry Society
2021-2024 國立台北科技大學 材料及資源工程系 教授兼任工程學院院長,
Professor and Dean, College of Engineering
National Taipei University of Technology
2023- 經濟部產業發展署(工業局)中小企業製造業升級轉型個案補助審查委員
2023- 銓敘部專技人員遴選委員
2022- 中國鑛冶工程學會 副理事長/常務理事/出版委員會主任委員,
Vice President / General Director / Chairman of Publication Committee,
The Chinese Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers
2022-2024 鑄造工程學刊總編輯, Chief Editor, Journal of Taiwan Foundry Society (in Chinese)
2021- 中華民國粉體及粉末冶金協會 副理事長/常務理事/國際交流委員會副主任委員,
Vice President / General Director / Deputy Chairman of International Exchange Committee,
The Powder Metallurgy Association of the Republic of China
2019- 經濟部中小及新創企業署(中小企業處)中小企業創新研發計畫(SBIR)、協助傳統產業技術開發計畫(CITD) 委員
2018-2024 台灣鑄造學會 副理事長/常務理事/技術委員會主任委員,
Vice President and General Director / Chairman of Technical Committee, Taiwan Foundry Society
2018-2021 台灣航太積層製造產業協會創會監事,
Supervisor, Taiwan Aerospace Additive Manufacturing Association.
2018- 全國公務人員高等考試命題委員、典試委員
2017- 經濟部產業技術司(技術處)A+企業創新專案、科專計畫委員
2016-2021 國立台北科技大學 材料及資源工程系 教授,兼任系主任暨材料科學與工程研究所所長
Professor and Chairman, Department of Mineral Resources & Materials Engineering
Director, Institute of Materials Science and Engineering,
National Taipei University of Technology
2016-2022 財團法人國立台北科技大學材資系教育基金會執行長,
CEO of Taipei Tech MMRE Educational Foundation.
2016- 鑛冶季刊總編輯, Chief Editor, Mining and Metallurgical Engineers Quarterly (in Chinese)
2015-2018 台灣鑄造學會 理事 / 技術委員會主任委員,
Director, Board of Directors / Chairman of Technical Committee, Taiwan Foundry Society
2013-2022 中國鑛冶工程學會 理事/出版委員會主任委員, Director / Chairman of Publication Committee,
The Chinese Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers
2013-2021 中華民國粉體及粉末冶金協會 理事/常務理事/國際交流委員會副主任委員, Director/Executive Director,
Deputy Chairman of International Exchange Committee,
The Powder Metallurgy Association of the Republic of China
2010-2013 國立台北科技大學 圖書館 技術服務組組長
Director, University Library, Div. Acquisition & Cataloging,
National Taipei University of Technology
2010-2012 春源鋼鐵公司 技術顧問 Technical Consultant, CYS Steel Co.
2009-2016 國立台北科技大學 材料及資源工程系 副教授
Associate Professor, Dept. Mineral Resources & Materials Eng.
National Taipei University of Technology
2009- 全國技能競賽 鑄造職類裁判 Referee, Foundry Category, National Skills Competition, Taiwan.
2009-2012 工業技術研究院 電子與光電研究所 特聘研究 Distinguished Research Fellow, ITRI, EOL
2007-2011 勤美集團 金屬材料產業研發碩士專班主持人 Program Director,
Specialty Master Program in Metallic Materials by CMP Group
2006- 台灣鋼鐵工業同業公會技術暨標準研究委員會委員 Committee member, Taiwan Steel & Iron Industries Association.
2005-2009 國立台北科技大學 材料及資源工程系 助理教授 Assistant Professor,
National Taipei University of Technology
1998-2005 中國鋼鐵公司鋼鐵鋁品研發處 研究員 Research Scientist,
China Steel Corporation, Kaohsiung, TAIWAN
1997-1998 Research fellow, Exxon Research and Engineering Company, Corporate Research, USA
(currently ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company, Clinton Research Center)
1995-1997 Postdoctoral fellow, McMaster University, CANADA
1992-1995 PhD, Materials Engineering Science,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
PhD Dissertation: The Role of Defects during Precipitate Growth in a Ni-45wt% Cr Alloy
(Advisor: Prof. W.T.Reynolds Jr.)
1990-1992 M.S., Materials Engineering,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
MSc Thesis: Effects of Alloying Elements upon Austenite Decomposition in High Strength Lowe Alloy Steels
(Advisor: Prof. W.T.Reynolds Jr.)
1989-1990 台灣機械公司(現中鋼機械公司)鑄造廠工程師 Engineer,
Foundry, Taiwan Machinery Manufacturing Company, Kaohsiung, TAIWAN
1987-1989 中華民國陸軍,ROC Army obligatory service
1987 全國公務人員冶金工程高等考試及格,Certified Metallurgical Engineer,
National Higher Civil Service Exam, TAIWAN
1982-1987 國立台北工業專科學校 礦冶工程科 冶金組 Metallurgical Engineering, National Taipei Institute of Technology, Taipei, TAIWAN
專長領域 / Research Interests
Specialty Process and Product Development for Metals, Ceramics and Composites; Development of Thin Film Materials; Phase Transformation and Interface Structure Analysis; Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing of metals); Materials Simulation
教學科目 / Teaching Assignments
Graduate courses: Advanced Materials Thermodynamics, Mechanical Behaviors in Materials, Special Topics of Materials Science and Engineering.
Undergraduate courses: Thermodynamics of Materials, Crystallography, Physical Metallurgy, Introduction to Nanomaterials, Energy Materials.
榮譽 / Honors
2022 台灣鑄造學會鑄造工程獎
2022 中國鑛冶工程學會傑出服務貢獻獎
2022、2019、2014、2012 台灣鑄造學會論文獎
2021 MRSTIC 2021 (2021 MRS-T International Conference) Poster Award - Second Prize
2020、2016、2013 中國材料科學學會論文優等獎
2018 中華民國粉體及粉末冶金協會論文獎
2017 IUMRS-ICA 2017 Excellent Poster Award
2017 APMA 2017 Poster Award
2015 中國材料科學學會論文佳作獎
2015 國立台北科技大學傑出教學獎
2015、2014、2013、2010 國立台北科技大學工程學院傑出教學獎
2015、2014、2013、2012、2010、2008 國立台北科技大學材資系傑出教學獎
2012、2000 中國鑛冶工程學會論文獎
2010 國家發明創作獎發明獎金牌
2009 國立台北科技大學工程學院優等研究獎
2004 中華民國優秀青年工程師獎
2004 中國鋼鐵公司研發成果總經理獎
2000 中國鋼鐵公司研發成果董事長獎