
Daniel R. Amor - Group leader

I am a Junior Professor at the Department of Physics at École Normale Supérieure - Paris Sciences et Lettres, and a Junior Research Chair at the Infection Antimicrobials Modelling and Evolution Laboratory at INSERM, Paris. I am fascinated by the ways microbial interactions drive the dynamics of microbial communities and their functions. Currently, I focus on the emergence of alternative stable states, as well as how ecological regimes impact the spread of antibiotic resistance in community context.

Quinn Bellamy - Master student

Lilian Dahan - Master student

Romane Lesurtel - Master student

I am a student of the dual program Medicine-Sciences at the École Normale Supérieure and Paris Cité. I am currently taking a gap year in medicine in ordore to pursue a Master 2 in Biodiversity, Ecology, and Evolution (BEE), and espacially the program Evolutionary and Fuctional Ecology (EEF), at Sorbonne University. For my M2 internship in Daniel Amor's lab, I am interested in bacterial communities dynamics.

Jorge Martinez - Master student

I am currently an MSc Bioinformatics apprentice at Université Paris Cité, with a background in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biotechnology from Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain. My research focuses on investigating shifts between alternative stable states in microbial communities, using both in silico and in vitro approaches.

Stella Perez- Lab engineer

I have a Master's degree in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution with a specialization in environmental microbiology. In my previouses research projects I have studied different microbial interactions in both biofilms and cocultures. I am interested in how bacterial interspecies interactions influence community dynamics.

Victor Peris - (Dry lab) engineer

I hold two BSc, in Engineering Physics and Industrial Engineering, from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, in Barcelona, Spain. Last year I completed my MSc in Physics of Complex Systems, co-organized by ICTP and SISSA (in Trieste, Italy), Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy) and a consortium of universities in Paris (Sorbonne, Paris-Saclay and Paris Cité). I have recently joined Dani's group and will soon start my PhD in Physics at École Normale Supérieure, co-supervised by Dr. Simona Cocco. The aim of my project is to study microbial community function from a theoretical and numerical perspective by combining mathematical models (like Lotka-Volterra or Consumer-Resource models) and data-driven approaches (Restricted Boltzmann Machines) to uncover ecosystem structure and enhance the prediction of function in microbial communities.

Sarah Timsit- Master student

I am a doctor in Pharmacy, and resident in Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris. I am specialized in medical biology, and to be more precise, bacteriology. I am currently taking a gap year in my medical internship to pursue a Master 2 in Molecular and Cellular Biology at Paris Cité University and Pasteur Institute. For my M2 internship in Daniel Amor's laboratory, I am interested in bacterial communities dynamics and functions, and their role in the resistance to antibiotics.