Hi! My name is Amolak Ratan Kalra. I am a graduate student at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) in the University of Waterloo. I am also a graduate student at David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. My advisor is Prof. Michele Mosca.

My broad area of research is quantum information and the foundations of quantum computation. My work straddles different areas of pure mathematics, theoretical physics, theoretical electrical engineering and information theory. 

Some topics I am interested in are:

I did my master's thesis from the Computer Science department at University of Calgary, my thesis can be found here.

Some people I have collaborated with in the past are: Michele Mosca, Jon Yard, Cihan Okay,  Robin Cockett, Sandip Trivedi and Shiroman Prakash.

All my research papers can be found here.