Prof. Gennady M. Poletaev

Polzunov Altai State Technical University

Country: Russian Federation

Short biography and link to the website or Research Gate.

Gennady Poletaev is a prominent specialist in the field of fundamental issues of materials science and condensed matter physics. The main direction is the study of the atomic structure of metals and alloys and the processes occurring in them at the atomic level by the method of molecular dynamics. Currently Poletaev G.M. works as a leading researcher at AltSTU and concurrently as the head of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling. He has a doctorate in physics and mathematics (2009) and the title of professor (2013).

Research Gate:

Presentation title:

Molecular dynamics simulation of grain boundaries migration in metals

Selected /recent 2 or 3 Journal publications.

1. Poletaev G.M., Zorya I.V. Influence of light impurities on the crystal-melt interface velocity in Ni and Ag. Molecular dynamics simulation // Technical Physics Letters. – 2020. – V.46, No.6. – P. 575–578. DOI: 10.1134/S1063785020060231

2. Poletaev G.M., Zorya I.V. Effect of light element impurities on the edge dislocation glide in nickel and silver: molecular dynamics simulation // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. – 2020. – V.131, No.3. – P. 432–436. DOI: 10.1134/S1063776120080038

3. Poletaev G.M., Zorya I.V., Rakitin R.Y. Migration mechanism of <110> tilt boundaries in nickel // Letters on Materials. – 2020. – V.10, No.4. – P. 543–546. DOI: 10.22226/2410-3535-2020-4-543-546