Fusion materials testing laboratory, branch “Institute of Atomic Energy” of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Country Kazakhstan

Short biography and link to the website or Research Gate.

Miniyazov Arman Zhanarbekovich graduated from D. Serikbayev EKTU and holds bachelor's and master's degrees in Physics. He has been working in the Project orientation since 2010 in the IAE RSE NNC. He is a leading specialist in the field of reactor material science, research of changes in the properties of structural materials of nuclear and fusion installations as a result of external influences.

Scopus ID: 57195102430,

Scopus – 2 h-index.

Web of Science ID: P-7943-2018.

Research Gate:

Presentation title:



Title: EXPERIMENTAL SRUDIES IN SUPPORT OF KAZAKHSTAN MATERIALS SCIENCE TOKAMAK Abstract. Kazakhstani materials science tokamak KTM has a special place in international programs for the development of thermonuclear energy. It is known that one of the main goals of the KTM tokamak is comprehensive research and testing of design materials and candidate materials for the first wall and divertor of thermonuclear reactor (TNR). The KTM tokamak will be one of the few mega-ampere installations in the world with an aspect ratio of A=2, which will fill the database on the physics of plasma confinement processes in the boundary region between spherical and classical tokamaks. The second distinctive feature of the KTM unit is the ability to quickly access the vacuum chamber and replace the divertor plates without breaking the high vacuum using a movable divertor table. In support of the creation and operation of the KTM facility for testing small-scale samples of materials and equipment for KTM, the branch "Institute of Atomic Energy" of the RSE NNC RK has developed a simulation stand with a plasma-beam installation (PBI), which is actively researching structural materials for fusion - tungsten, molybdenum, beryllium. At the same time, the research proposed by the authors is aimed at experimental modeling of the interaction of a stationary plasma with a fusion reactor material using a specialized plasma-beam installation under conditions close to the real conditions of the KTM. In addition, preliminary studies on experimental modeling of the interaction of the plasma of the KTM with structural materials of a TNR using a simulation stand with a plasma-beam installation were carried out only by us.

Selected recent 2 or 3 Journal publications.

1. I. Tazhibaeva, M. Skakov, V. Baklanov, E. Koyanbaev, A.Z. Miniyazov, T. Kulsartov, etc. Study of Properties of Tungsten Irradiated in Hydrogen Atmosphere. Nuclear Fusion V57, №12, P№. 126062. IF2017: 4,057. Dec. 2017, Scopus. DOI: 10.1088/1741-4326/aa7911, Cite Score 2019 – 5.8

2. B.K. Rakhadilov, A.Z. Miniyazov, M.K. Skakov, Zh.B. Sagdoldina, T.R. Tulenbergenov, Y.Y. Sapatayev. Study of structure modification and surface erosion of tungsten and molybdenum at plasma irradiation. Journal Technical Physics 65(3):382-391, Scopus, March 2020. Cite Score 2019 – 1.3, DOI: 10.1134/S1063784220030202

3. T. Tulenbergenov, M. Skakov, A. Kolodeshniko`v, V. Zuev, B. Rahadilov, A. Sokolov, D. Ganovichev, A.Z. Miniyazov, O. Bukina. Interaction between Nitrogen Plasma and Tungsten. Nuclear materials and Energy, Scopus, V.13, December 2017, Pages 63-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.nme.2017.07.005, Cite Score 2019 – 3.7