I am a PhD student at UKRI CDT in Speech and Language Technologies under the supervision of Prof. Thomas Hain , University of Sheffield.  I am also a member of  SPandH and  Machine Intelligence for Natural Interfaces (MINI)  research group. 

Currently, I am working on self-supervised learning for speech, disentangled speech representations, cost-effective self-supervised fine-tuning of self-supervised learning based speech models for task-specific speech representations. Acoustic word/sub-word embeddings.

Before joining my PhD, I worked as a senior data scientist at Publicis Sapient.  Before that,  I was a Project Associate  at the EE department of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, working for Medical Intelligence and Language Engineering lab under the supervision of  Prof. A. G. Ramakrishnan. I have finished my M.Tech Research from the same lab. During my masters, I have worked on various research topics like speaker recognition, speech recognition, natural language processing for social media , applied machine and deep learning for recognising cognitive impairments using clinical data.

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email: amitmeghanani@gmail.com , amitm@alum.iisc.ac.in