Linear Algebraic Groups II

March-April 2024 (15:30-16:45 Tuesday, Thursday )

Instructor: Amit Kumar Singh


Lecture notes: L-1, L-2, L-3, L-4, L-5&6 

Topics covered

Lecture 1: Reflectios

Lecture 2: Defining the root system in a finite dimensional inner product space, and proving some basis properties of the root systems.

Lecture 3: Studied some examples of root systems of rank two. Defined the base of a root system and studied their properties that require understanding Cartan matrices and Dynkin diagrams.

Assignment 1 (due March 9, 2024)

Lecture 4: Studied the Cartan matrices and Dynkin diagrams. Proved that the Dynkin diagrams of the root systems are the same if and only if their corresponding root systems are isomorphic.

Lecture 5: Studied the classification of Dynkin diagrams

Suggested reading: Section 11 of Humphreys' book on Intro. to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory.

Lecture 6: Studied the classification of Dynkin diagrams (contd.)

Suggested reading: Section 11 of Humphreys' book on Intro. to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory.

From the next lectures onward, we will focus more on algebraic groups. This is a continuation of the course (Aug-Nov 2023, Linear Algebraic Groups)

Lecture 7: Defined the Weyl groups of a connected algebraic group G relative to a torus. Studied that for a maximal torus of G, the Weyl group W(G, T) of a connected algebraic group relative to T acts simply transitively on the set of the Borel subgroups of G containing T. 

Suggested reading:  Humphreys, section 24.1, 24.2

Assignment 2 (due March 28, 2024)

Lecture 8: Let φ: G → G'  be an epimorphism of linear algebraic groups that carries maximal torus T to a maximal torus φ(T). Then φ induces surjective maps from the set of Borel subgroups of G containing T to the set of Borel subgroups of G' containing φ(T) and  W(G, T) W(G, φ(T)). Moreover, if the kernel lies in all the Borel subgroups of G, then the induced map from the Weyl groups is an isomorphism. 

Suggested reading:  Humphreys, section 24.1, 24.2 

Lecture 9: Regular tori, singular tori and the roots of diagonalizable groups.

Suggested reading:  Humphreys, section 24.3.

Lecture 10: Action of a maximal torus of G/B.

Suggested reading:  Humphreys, section 25.1.

Lecture 11: Action of a maximal torus of G/B (contd).

Suggested reading:  Humphreys, section 25.1.

Assignment 3 (due April 18, 2024)

Lecture 12: (Existence of enough fixed points) Let P be a proper parabolic subgroup of an affine algebraic group and T any torus in G. Then T fixes at least two points of G/P. In particular, a maximal torus lies in at least two Borel subgroups. 

Suggested reading:  Humphreys, section 25.2.

Lecture 13: A characterisation of the semisimple rank one affine linear algebraic groups. 

Suggested reading:  Humphreys, section 25.3.

Lecture 14: A characterisation of the semisimple rank one affine linear algebraic groups (contd). 

Suggested reading:  Humphreys, section 25.3.

End-sem exam (May 10, 2024)

Assessment: Assignments - 40%, End Sem - 60%