
International Journals & Conferences:

  1. Detection and Prevention techniques for Grayhole attacks in MANETs: Review” published in International journal of Computer application (IJCA), ISSN 0975-8887, pp 10-12, March 2013. (UGC Listed Journal No. 63153), Impact factor 3.727.

2.”Analysis of Cross-Layer design techniques in MANETs”, published in International journal of advent research in computer &

electronics (IJARCE), Vol. no 2, E-ISSN 2348-5523 September 2015.

3.“Performance analysis of an optimized and secure routing protocol with impact of malicious behavior utilizing cross layer

designs for Mobile Adhoc Networks” published in International journal of computer sciences and engineering (IJCSE), Volume

6, Issue 6 June 2018. eISSN:2347-2693.Impact factor 3.022. OPEN ACCESS. (UGC Listed Journal No. 63193)

4. “Analyzing the performance of an optimized secure cross layer routing protocol with secure cross layer routing protocols for

mobile adhoc networks” published in International journal of Research in Advent Technology, vol. 7, no. 2, February 2019. eISSN

2321-9637. Pp 605-611 (UGC Listed journal no, 48768)

International Conferences:

1.“Optimizing performance of Anonymity based Secure Routing Protocol utilizing Cross layer Design for Mobile Adhoc Networks” accepted and presented in 4th IEEE conference on computing, communication, control and automation (ICCUBEA 2018) ,held on 16th to 18th August 2018, Pune ,Maharashtra, India

2. “Anonymity based secure cross layer routing protocol for Mobile Adhoc Networks” accepted and presented in 3rd IEEE international conference on Research in intelligent and computing in engineering (RICE 2018), preconference held on 20th August 2018, Badnera, Amravati, Maharashtra, India.

3. “Review and classification of cross layer routing protocols for MANET” presented in 3rd IEEE international conference on electronics and communication systems (ICECS 2016), held on Karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, 25th -26th February 2016.

4. Survey “Wormhole Attacks & It’s prevention in MANET” At Deore Engineering college Dhule, January 2011.

5. “Comparative analysis of Various Mobile Operating System” at Deore college of Engineering, January 2011.