
My research interests include:

Non-equilibrium dynamics in active systems

Emergent collective phenomena and rheology in active matter

Modeling advance adaptive active systems

Active intelligent matter (AIM)

Overview of previous and ongoing research:

Emergent rheology in active matter

Rheology in active matter is an emerging field that explores the flow and deformation properties of systems containing self-propelled particles. These systems exhibit unique behaviors that differ significantly from traditional passive materials.

Key aspects of active matter rheology include self-propulsion effects, where active particles alter fluid properties, leading to unexpected thinning behaviors. The cluster-breaking mechanism, similar to shear thinning in passive systems, disrupts percolating structures. In viscoelastic fluids, active matter modifies particle orientational dynamics due to nonlinear coupling between background shear and disturbance flows.

Active matter rheology has significant implications for materials science, biological systems, and industrial applications. It enables the development of novel materials with tunable properties, enhances understanding of biological processes such as blood flow and bacterial biofilms, and offers potential advancements in food processing, pharmaceuticals, and advanced manufacturing.

Rheology in active matter, bridging non-equilibrium physics, fluid dynamics, and materials science, opens new avenues for designing adaptive and reconfigurable materials with promising research and application potential, including microrobots for targeted drug delivery and microsurgery.

Novel dynamics in dense active matter

Dense active matter systems exhibit a rich array of emergent dynamics and collective behaviors arising from the interplay between particle interactions, self-propulsion, and crowding effects. Dynamical phase transitions occur, such as flocking transitions and glassy dynamics at high densities.

Dense active matter dynamics have significant implications for understanding biological systems, soft matter physics, and complex fluids. They provide insights into collective cell behavior, bacterial colonies, and tissue dynamics. In materials science, these studies enable the development of novel adaptive materials and self-organizing systems.

Research in dense active matter dynamics, bridging non-equilibrium statistical physics, soft condensed matter, and biophysics, opens new avenues for understanding emergent phenomena and designing materials with unique properties. Potential applications include synthetic active materials, microfluidic devices, and understanding complex biological processes like embryonic development and cancer metastasis.


Exact dynamics in active systems

Develop analytical methods for precise calculation of statistical properties in active Brownian particle (ABP) systems and related active matter models. These methods employ Laplace transforms of Fokker-Planck equations to compute exact moments of dynamical variables. 

Dynamical pattern formation in active fluids





Prof. Silke Henkes (Leiden University)

People's Republic of China (PRC)

Prof. Zhangang Han (Beijing Normal University)