My Hobbies

Outside of my academic life, I am a very energetic person that loves and enjoys doing sports activities. 

Mountain climbing is the most exciting activity for me. I really enjoy spending my time in nature. I love exploring new places and seeing different types of habitats. I also love nature photography (I am an amateur photographer :D ). 

I do love martial arts. These types of activities help you create your personality and will improve your thinking abilities. I have been doing judo since 2010 and I am a judo black belt holder. I very much enjoy teaching judo to fresh starters and talking with them about the philosophy of martial arts. 

Martial arts are not the only type of sport that I love. I am also a lifeguard. I was a lifeguard during summertime and enjoyed it very much. Swimming helps me relieve my stress. 

In the following, you can see me(in blue) with two of my sensies (trainers) and my friend. 

I also love playing racket sports such as tennis, badminton, and table tennis(Ping-Pong). Furthermore, winter sports are an inevitable part of living in Canada and I love snowboarding.