Grade 12 (Trimester 3) The World around Us

( Pilot Study)

Dear Research Assistants, 

            Thank you for expressing your agreement on implementing the project of my dissertation at your school. The following are some information to help you implement the project.

         The title of the dissertation is “Unleashing Multimodal Literacy by Employing WhatsApp to Promote UAE 10th Graders’ EFL Writing, Motivation and Intercultural Competence”. This dissertation is supervised by College of Education (UAE University) and approved by Abu Dhabi Educational Council to be implemented at ADEC’s Public schools. You can download ADEC's formal agreement and one page summary of the project.


  Your role as  a research assistant in implementing the research would be as follows;

-          Administering a pre-writing test for all your grade 10 students during the  (Before 18th April 2016)

-          Implement a group of UNIFIED lesson plans recyclying T1, T2 & T3 themes emphasizing writing about culture to prepare students for ADEC English Writing Test.

-          Administering a questionnaire and a post-writing test to students (Before the May 12th )


Dear Research Assistants,

Please make sure to administer the pretest after presenting persuasive writing for all your students

Make sure to update your students' differentiated schemes in the light of T1 results. You can also differentiate your students according to their learning styles using VARK questionnaire attached in the Unit Plan , PowerPoint, flashcards, audio, video and the Resources. Make sure to print the resources and download all the resources specially the audio-visual resources at home. You will not be able to download them at school, google drive and youtube are blocked at schools.

Form a WhatsApp group to one of your classes. If you teach one class, make a group for half of the students in the class. Please make sure that this group is a mixed ability group that includes most types of learners.

Steps to form the group are as follows:

1- Save the contact details of your students to your contacts.

2- Click WhatsApp icon in your phones.

3- Go to Chats

4- Go to New Group

5- Name the group ( Teacher......(Your Name)................ Group).

6- Add  a group icon related to T3 theme ( Optional).

7- Watch this video if you want more help.

Please email me ( through your personal email not ADEC email) once you finished forming the group telling me about the number of participants in the group to send you the resources to be used with the experimental group and the control one.

You can access WhatsApp through your PC or laptop through this link