
Guest Lecturer at The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia

2022, S2: Introduction to Biostatistics (PUBH7630)

Teaching Assistant and Tutor at The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia

2021, S1: Mathematics for Data Science 1 (MATH7501), co-developed practicals whose recording is available here

2021, S1: Introduction to Data Science (DATA7001)

2021, S1: Mathematical Statistics (STAT3001/STAT7301)

2021, S1: Probability and Statistics in Engineering (CIVL2530)

2021, S1: Statistical Models for Data Science (DATA7202)

2021, S1: Health Science Research Discovery (HRSS3101)

2018, S1: Mathematical Foundations II (MATH1050)

2018, S1: Mathematical Foundations I (MATH1040)

2018, S1: Calculus & Linear Algebra I (MATH1051/7051)

2018, S1: Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I (MATH1071)

2018, S1: Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations (MATH1052)

2018, S1: Discrete Mathematics (MATH1061)

2018, S1: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201)

2018, S1: Analysis of Engineering and Scientific Data (STAT2201/CIVL2530)

2017, S2: Mathematical Foundations II (MATH1050)

2017, S2: Mathematical Foundations I (MATH1040)

2017, S2: Calculus & Linear Algebra I (MATH1051/7051)

2017, S2: Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I (MATH1071)

2017, S2: Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations (MATH1052)

2017, S2: Discrete Mathematics (MATH1061)

2017, S2: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201), Super-tutor

2017, S2: Biomedical Science (BIOM3200)

2017, S2: Advance Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1301)

2017, S2: Probability Models for Engineering & Science (STAT2202)

2017, S2: Probability Models & Data Analysis (STAT2203/7203)

2017, S2 Probability Models & Stochastic Processes (STAT3004)

2017, S1: Mathematical Foundations II (MATH1050)

2017, S1: Mathematical Foundations I (MATH1040)

2017, S1: Calculus & Linear Algebra I (MATH1051/7051)

2017, S1: Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I (MATH1071)

2017, S1: Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations (MATH1052)

2017, S1: Discrete Mathematics (MATH1061)

2017, S1: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201), Super-tutor

2017, S1: Health Science Research Discovery (HRSS3101)

2017, S1: Analysis of Engineering and Scientific Data (STAT2201/CIVL2530)

2016, S2: Mathematical Foundations I (MATH1040)

2016, S2: Mathematical Foundations II (MATH1050)

2016, S2: Calculus & Linear Algebra I (MATH1051/7051)

2016, S2: Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I (MATH1071)

2016 S2: Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations (MATH1052)

2016, S2: Discrete Mathematics (MATH1061)

2016, S2: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201), Super-tutor

2016, S2: Analysis of Engineering and Scientific Data (STAT2201/CIVL2530)

2016, S1: Mathematical Foundations I (MATH1040)

2016, S1: Mathematical Foundations II (MATH1050), Super-tutor

2016, S1: Calculus & Linear Algebra I (MATH1051/7051)

2016, S1: Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I (MATH1071)

2016 S1: Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations (MATH1052)

2016, S1: Discrete Mathematics (MATH1061)

2016, S1: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201)

2015, S2: Mathematical Foundations I (MATH1040), Super-tutor

2015, S2: Mathematical Foundations II (MATH1050), Super-tutor

2015, S2: Calculus & Linear Algebra I (MATH1051/7051)

2015, S2: Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I (MATH1071)

2015 S2: Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations (MATH1052)

2015, S2: Discrete Mathematics (MATH1061)

2015, S2: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201)

2015, S1: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201)

2014, S2: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201)

2014, S1: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201)

2013, S2: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201)

2013, S1: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201)

2012, S2: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201)

2012, S1: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201)

2011, S2: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201)

2011, S1: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201)

2011, S1: Mathematical Foundations II (MATH1050)

2010, S2: Analysis of Scientific Data (STAT1201)

2010, S2: Mathematical Foundations II (MATH1050)

Tutor at University of New England, NSW, Australia

Associate Lecturer at The Maldives National University, Maldives