Mathematical Modeller, Statistics & Probability Researcher, Data Scientist and Educator

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I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at CSIRO, Australia.

Previous notable positions include postdoctoral researcher at the School of Mathematics and Physics and the School of Public Health of The University of Queensland.  My advisors are A/Prof Yoni Nazarathy and Dr Amalie Dyda. My  research projects included: Safe Blues, AI4PAN, and ID-NET

I have also worked as a postdoctoral research at the School of Mathematical Sciences of Queensland University Technology and associate lecturer at the Maldives  National University. My advisors at QUT were Distinguished Prof Kerrie Mengersen and Prof Chris Drovandi.

I received my PhD in 2015 from The University of Queensland, in the area of probability & statistics, focused on epidemic modelling. My advisors being Prof Phil Pollett and Dr Ross McVinish. My current research focuses on epidemic modelling, digital health, disease outbreak prediction, and natural language processing. I have also worked on Bayesian inference of disease dynamics, and applied data science. 

My expertise is in epidemic modelling, applied probability, Bayesian statistics, data science and mathematical education.

Application areas of my work include epidemicscontrol of dengue spread, and educational game development.

Courses and  Workshops

I have been engaged with teaching courses  at The University of Queensland since 2010 . See full course list. The main areas of my teaching at UQ are:

I have initiated and co-created the BRAG-Stan Workshop at Queensland University of Technology in 2019.

Selected Talks and Prizes

Computer Language Skills

Licence and Accreditations


Family and Community Service 

My daughter, Iva,  husband, Ahmed, and myself do organise quite a bit of Maldivian community gatherings in Brisbane.