Chapter 3 Dreams

Hopes and Dreams // Dreams and Nightmares // Fever Dreams // Stevie Nicks

A note from your shambling pilgrim

I am a little late, that is true. Please, forgive me. That's what friends are for, right?


If you're new here make sure to check out the contributors’ social media, websites, books, art, etc!

They’re a talented bunch of people you’d be lucky to have in your gang.

Sucks for you though, they’re already in mine.



5 More Minutes

Tashay Gonzalez-Ortiz (she/her) Loves dogs. Is usually crying.InstagramWebsite

"Truth in darkness"


No one else will do

I alone must enter

Generational fears linger

Heightening my personal ones

They battle for control of my state

Melting the borders between

Awe inspiring sadness and

Remembering the truth in darkness

Every night


Nicky Chue (they/them) is a queer BPOC filmmaker who spends a lot of their time creating narrative playlists & sitting in nature identifying bees (@beecoven). Their narratives, heavily influenced by folklore and mythology, centre queer and trans people of colour and explore the complicated concepts of solitude, loneliness, rest, and togetherness in contemporary, historical and futuristic contexts.InstagramWebsite

Vampire Weekends

Ivan Kostadinov (he/him)He is very cool and collects vinyl recordsInstagram


Kris (she/her)Your shambling pilgrim, at your service

"to walk somewhere"

by Sara Perez

At night,

the stars no longer sparkled.

They seemed to have abandoned their watch

as what was left on earth


Her throat was filled with ashes

that carried remnants of memories

that would soon be forgotten

in the silence.

She was still barefoot,

but the soles of her feet

could not communicate with Mother Nature anymore.

No one was watching over them

as they struggled to breathe

an air that the lungs no longer wanted.

How should She move on,

when the chaos felt


and home was no longer waiting.

She looked up.

Nothing but dark clouds

greeted her.

Sara A. Perez Baez (She/Her) An English Lit. major with a passion for reading the stories that help make the world more interesting. Definitely someone who wouldn't consider herself a writer, but holds a special place for it in life!

Nightmare Cocoon

19×15.5 cm, monotype on Fabriano paper, 2020
Minjee Hwang Kim InstagramWebsite


by Lyn Patterson


May my wishes of gratitude

take short flight 

from my breath 

to the grounds of Parsons.

May they plant pieces of me

in this beautiful place. 

For when I become an ancestor,

I pray some child 

finds solace in my shade.


An interviewer asks me 

to name a creator who 

inspires my work  

I think of myself 

hair fully submerged 

at eye line with rapids 

at the Yuba river 

and I respond “earth”,

in all her wondrous sights,

soothing sounds, and 

vibrant colors.


In my dreams, I see us 

swaying like palm tree leaves 

to our wedding song 

& when we renew our vows,

I want Wayne Wonder &

Buju Banton blasting 

through the beach speakers

on somewhere tropical, 

  I love you in every way, 

I love you every way, 

I don’t know why.

(Ohhhhhhh whyyyyyy)

Bonafide love, baby.

Lyn Patterson is a black femme educator, dancer, and writer originally from Seattle, Washington. She is a deeply invigorated storyteller who delves into the themes of identity, equity, overcoming trauma, accepting your wild and learning to listen to your intuition. She currently travels full time, which has allowed her the opportunity to experience American life in many different spaces and forms. As a result, she has been able to observe people deeply and to unpack the tensions and nuances of everyday life that bind us together. Lyn is specifically inspired to write about ancestors and others who have been historically and politically marginalized in our society, as a means of empowering future generations with their stories. 

DREAMS - Visual Arts

Geneviève Dumas is a Montreal based printmaker artist behind the brand Goldengen. She's using collage and screen printing to build up momentum and stories.

"Verde que te quiero verde"

by Ericka Rivera Figueroa

Como sonámbulo de Lorca, los sueños me reclaman,

“verde que te quiero verde”.

Green through a veil of trees

A mist that separates us like a vast sea.

Your green is Fitzgerald’s light across the shore beckoning me.

But stranding me as I get close, like Gatsby.

Green is the color of far away.

Hopes and dreams,

Vines itching to scale walls and grow

like blooms in Spring.

Yours is a green I’d like to wear.

Air in my lungs I’d like to breathe.

Green on my lips I’d like to kiss,

A whisper I name betwixt bedsheets.

Green was a color I never liked.

Green of confusion, of envy and spite.

Yet, yours is a green I’d like to know,

to hold and bring comfort in sleepless nights.

Green is the depth of soft words and long silences.

It is the sound of the breeze and leaves in the wind.

Your green is mirth in drunken nights

Longing in the distance,

Particular in its quirks

And guarded in its glances.

To Lorca, green was a sweet death,

an aimless sleepwalker at Dawn.

To Fitzgerald, green was hope snuffed like a candle

at the end of a journey.

There is so much in green that eludes me.

Is it stable and ever growing, like roots buried beneath the ground?

Fickle and immature, like lost boys in Peter Pan?

“Verde que te quiero verde,”

A taunting green, hidden,

Unsure whether it is a shade of emerald cities

or ripe quenepas in the summer.

I suppose the truth is we’ll never know what green is,

For you look away and shut your eyes when mine try to meet them.

Ericka Rivera Figueroa (she/her) Cosplayer extraordinaire Instagram Website

under a viridescent sky

Yadira Comulada (she/her) Translator and history nerd from Puerto Rico, currently living on the island with a very majestic cat and always surrounded by books.Instagram / Instagram

Sueños de cuarentena

Bio: Mi nombre es Andi (La/ella) soy una joven artista peruana establecida en Lima. Me dedico al dibujo, la pintura, las técnicas mixtas, el digital y a todo material que me permita crear con sentido. Me inspiran lo vivido en mi contexto social, mis amigues (quienes duraron un mes y quienes van una vida), amores de días y años, mi familia (para reír o llorar) y mi ancestralidad. Me gusta expresar sin reparos quien soy, de dónde vengo y hacia donde creo ir, haciendo de todo esto una especie de cuaderno de pensamientos de quienes hemos sido las raras del lugar. I'm Andi, (she/her) a young peruvian artist based in Lima. I really love drawing, painting, mixed media and digital, but also I use any material that allows me to create with meaning. My work is inspired by my social context being diferent, my friends of days and forever, my loves, my family to laugh or cry and my origins. I like to express without fears who I am, where do I come from and where I think I´m going doing my work a kind of "thoughts book" from a queer person to another one.

"Bx, Part III"

by Andrea Beatriz Arango

Bx no longer sleeps.

Sleep = Vulnerability.

Sleep = Bloodshed.

Sleep is a luxury reserved only for predators,

not prey.

And bx? Bx is now prey.

Bx has seen the signs hammered on trees,

seen those thick cardboard renditions

of bx’s face,

as if bx were nothing more than fur and gnashing teeth,

a desperate traitor leading a dangerous cult,

their bodies commiting treason

every time they allow them to breathe.

The others trust bx.

They follow bx deep into virgin forest.

They sleep together - wxs and bxs and fxs -

all huddled in untouched caves.


late at night,

bx hears the roar of weapons,

the echoes of a civil war

happening too far away to touch them.

And yet, they found bx once.

And the sound of dampeners being crushed

haunts bx more than the blood

long since wiped from bx’s claws.

It has been many moons.

The temperature is changing.

But still, bx does not sleep.

Andrea B. Arango (she/her) InstagramCheck out her books Westwood Monster Patrol & A Christmas Parranda

Nightmare Simulator

Kevin Ramirez-Gomez (He/Him) Future Doctor in Veterinary MedicineInstagram

"I go to sleep"

by Anonymous

I hate dreaming with you

I go to sleep

because in my dreams were are still



and imagine that you're there with me.

Artemisia (she/her) started reading the tarot when she was studying Fine Arts in Athens. Instead of being in the studio, she was sitting in the school’s cafe, talking to strangers and listening to their secrets. Currently, she lives in Rotterdam where she also studies Art, while providing her fellow students with tips and guidance in order to cope with their needs and desires. Instagram


Ivan Kostadinov (he/him)He is very cool and collects vinyl recordsInstagram


Teri Anderson creates work that looks into the idea of craft in art, textiles, installation and sculpture to create a linear or surreal environment which the audience have to inhabit. The work links to her heritage and how textiles were key in their family history including sample machinists and pattern cutters. Building on this Teri proposes an art practise which incorporates a craft based techniques into the art based discipline of installation.

Instagram FacebookWebsite

"I just dream"

Cover Image

Kris (she/her)Your shambling pilgrim, at your service