Conferences and Endorsements 

Conference Appearances

We are proud to have had the opportunity to present our interactive resource at various esteemed conferences. These events have provided us with platforms to share our insights and engage with professionals dedicated to advancing disability awareness and education in healthcare. Below is a list of events where our work has been showcased, highlighting our commitment to spreading knowledge and fostering inclusive practices within the medical community.

Awards and Grants

We've been so grateful to receive the following awards and funding celebrating and supporting our E-book.

Marihan (left), Abigale (middle) and Zachary (right) receiving the Kim Rilda LeBlanc Memorial Award for Healing and the Arts in May 2024.

Media and Curriculum Engagement

Our resource has been referenced and acknowledged by numerous reputable organizations, publications, and academic institutions. These references underscore the impact and importance of our work in promoting disability awareness and education within the healthcare field. Below is a list of places where our book has been cited, reflecting its influence and the broad recognition it has received from experts and practitioners in the field.