
Who are we?

People like you and me, members of the working class, students who fail to see their future within the current capitalist system, and a diverse range of leftists is what makes up the basics of the American Revolutionary Party. We are building a party based on the principles of left unity, a movement designed to unite the left for an effective and victorious revolution. We are building a party based on democracy, where members of the party exercise power and leadership is elected by democratic means. We value praxis, and we always attempt to put our words into action. We are building a movement based on trust and honesty, a movement that leaves a positive impact in our community, our state, our nation, and our world. We are building a movement that the international proletariat can have confidence in and be proud of. We are going to change the lives of many people for the better.

We are advocating for justice in our society, something that America in particular has lacked for over 240 years. We believe that differences should be celebrated and diversity is beautiful. We believe that no one should have to be judged by societal or personal standards and that everyone has their own unique story that we must understand. No matter your ethnic background, socioeconomic background, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, and preferences, every human being deserves equality and the feeling of true freedom. We are advocating for the basics that every society must have. Healthcare is a human right, healthcare should be free. Education is a service and not a product, students shouldn't have to worry about debt when studying for their future. Everyone doesn't need to have the same sexual orientation, we are advocating for LGBTQ+ rights including equality within society and before law, legalization of same-sex marriage, and adoption rights for same-sex couples. We believe that people should be able to use cannabis for medicinal purposes due to its scientifically-proved benefits. We are advocating for a better future for future generations, which includes action to fight against climate change, and stopping our heavy reliance on fossil fuels.

We are building an America that serves the people.