Put Cheyenne Back on the U.S. Aviation Map

American Airlines Put Cheyenne Back on the U.S. Aviation Map

According to the Airline Helpline news, American Airline puts the Cheyenne’s (Wyoming’s capital city) Great Lake Atlanta Airline, that had been shut down due to the financial problems will be back on the U.S. aviation map from March. The American regional associate Sky-West will operate one round-trip flight daily Bombardier CRJ-200 jets of 50-seats.

Cheyenne’s Great Lakes Airlines, after got shut down abruptly due to financial problems; will serve its passengers since March, starting from November 4th when American Airlines will connects to the Cheyenne to its busiest hub, Dallas/Fort Worth. The passengers can book the cheapest flight tickets online.

The best news for the Cheyenne passengers is that they will be able to book the seats on the scheduled flights of their local airports. Passengers can reach to number of destinations via DFW. As soon as the Cheyenne airport gets its foot set to finish a new terminal, the new flight will begin to depart.

Cheyenne Regional Airport will depart a flight for a round-trip that will be associated to the Sky-West which will start from 9:05 a.m. As the flights will star after so long, the airline airfare will be the cheapest with hopefully some new routes for a faster round-trip arrival/departure. American Airline News Full Story.