American Airlines Standby or Same Day Change Flight

Reservations & tickets FAQs

Make / Modify Booking Flights

How can I make changes where they are held?

You can change your flights reservation by own or online if your:

  • The trip is available via or American Airlines
  • Travel through a travel agent or travel site (which may require changes through the original source - via a travel agent or website)
  • Travel is in the United States.
  • AAdvantage award travel is not part of the traveling promotional code or group registered seat.
  • Must be at least 3 hours before your next scheduled flights
  • You can find your reservation on "My trips / Check-in" on your homepage, or go to "Get Offers". After making a reservation, look at the "Low-Passing" option.

Find-out a reservation

If your reservation does not have a "Change plan," contact Reservations.

Contact Reservations

How close to departure can I book a flight on Expand

  • Yes, You can register 2 hours before the departure. If the flight is less than 2 hours, go to the airport's ticket congress.

How far in advance can I book a flight? Expand

  • Yes, You can book a flight in advance up to 331 days through the

How many passengers can I book in one reservation? Expand

  • You can register up to 6 passengers in one reservations at Get travel for 10 or more groups, group and meeting tours. Special packages and deals are available on american airlines.

Learn about Group & Meeting Travel

Will i be pay to change a reservation done by travel agency or another website? Expand

  • Yes. Traveling agents or other websites may require additional fees (per person) for changes made by staff, airports, or transit centers.

Why are revenue tickets on other airlines on a request basis only? Expand

  • Other airlines reservation may be available for 24 hours or more by simply asking for airlines. Additionally, some airlines require you to re-establish postal services in Please check with Airline for more details.

Same-day Flight Change and Standby

Learn about the same-day flight changes and standby

What is same-day flight change? Expand

  • Same-day flight changes will allow you to seat in a different flight on any American Airlines and / or where it is located on a American Eagle flight. An alternate flight must be for your same home and destination, and only the flights you need are allowed within 24 hours that your flight change may allow.

You can make a change on the, airplane (self service kiosk or ticket saver) or call for trips.

What happens if a same-day flight change isn’t available? Expand

  • If you still want to test a different flight, standby on the same day will make you wait for a good American / American Eagle flight (for similar reasons on the day you get up). In the same-day flight change, it does not provide a guarantee a seat on the same flight schedule.

What is same-day standby? Expand

  • On the same-day standby, it is expected that you will be waiting for American or American Eagle flight. You may request to be added to the standby list at or airport self-service kiosks.

If you stop your departure for an earlier flight of the day, you will keep your original flight until you check in earlier flight. On the same day the service does not guarantee the flight.

What is American's standby policy? Expand

  • You will have the opportunity to guarantee a seat on a different flight if the same day flight change is possible. If it is not available, you can have the expected wait for the flight earlier than expected on the same-day standby.

Standby Policy applies to US, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Caribbean or Canadian American and / or American Eagles travel.

who receive complimentary confirmed same-day flight changes.

How do I buy same-day flight change or same-day standby?Expand

  • You may request the same-day standby at or airport self-service kiosks. At the airport, you can request the same day flight to exchange at, or you can call Reserved.

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