Workshops/Webinars/Short Courses Attended
"2nd IEEE International Conference on Range Technology (ICORT-2021)" Defence Research and Development Organization, ITR Chandipur, Odisha during 05-06 August 2021. [2 days]
Webinar on “Biomedical applications of microwaves” International Centre for Radio Science, Jodhpur held on 31st July, 2021. [1 day].
Six Weeks Online Summer Internship program on "Recent Trends of RF Technology (Simulation and Fabrication)", held at Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Punjab during June 21-July 30, 2021. [45 days]
Webinar "Upcoming Space Era" July 2021 hosted by IEEE Student Branch, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology held on 17 July 2021. [1 day]
Webinar "Understanding of Isolation Improvement in MIMO Antenna System" IEEE APS Student Branch Chapter University of Calcutta in association with IEEE APs/MTTs Kolkata Chapter, during 12th July 2021. [1 day]
"7th International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONNECT 2021)", organised by IEEE Bangalore Section which was held virtually from July 09-11, 2021. [3 days]
Webinar on “Career options and opportunities for electronic graduates”, organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore in association with IEEE Students Chapter on 08th July 2021. [1 day]
Webinar on “Smart Antennas for 5G and beyond Communications” Conducted by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi on 2nd July 2021. [1 day]
2021 IEEE Malaysia AP/MTT/EMC Joint Chapter "Webinar Series 8" by Profesor Ir. Dr. Badrul Hisham Bin Ahmad, Virtually held on 30 June 2021. [1 day].
National Level One week faculty development programme on "Multi Technology" from 28th June to 3rd July, Organized by department of IT and CSE, in Collaboration with NYCI & Brain-O-Vision Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. [6 days]
Webinar series on "Research Avenues in Microwave Technologies" organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Engineering, Coimbatore from June 28-30 June 2021. [3 days]
National Webinar on Recent Trends in "Satellite and Wireless Technologies" which was delivered by Mr. Rajnish Sharma Scientist, ISRO MCF, Bhopal. This National Webinar was jointly organised by Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology (BIET) Jhansi UP in association with State Project Implementation Unit (SPIU) UP, IETE Bhopal and NUMEREGION on 25 June 2021. [1 day]
Webinar on “Applications of Microwaves & Contribution of ICRS” held during 24th Year Celebration of International Centre for Radio Science 24th June, 2021. [1 day]
Webinar on “Publishing Scholarly Content with IEEE: Publisher’s Perspective” In Collaboration with IIT ISM Central Library during 23 June 2021. [1 day]
Two-day FDP on "Advances in Photonics and Fiber Optics Technologies" organized by IETE Chennai Centre & IEEE Photonics Society Madras Chapter during 21-22 June 2021. [2 days]
IEEE International Conference on "Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS 2021)" conducted by IEEE Sensors Council, during 20 - 23 June 2021. [4 days]
Webinar on "Communication in Crisis Management – How To Do It Right?" on 19 June, 2021, organized by BVICAM, New Delhi.
Three days online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on "Recent trends and advances of next generation 5G Technologies" organized by Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering, from 17th to 19th June, 2021
Webinar on "Career Prospects in Electronics Engineering (Especially in Satellite Communication)" Adamas University, Kolkata, conducted on 16th June 2021. [1 day]
Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Cognitive Radio, Antennas and Millimetre Wave Communication", held at Saranathan College of Engineering, from 07 - 11, June 2021. [5 days]
Attended "Optical Networking and Communication Conference & Exhibition (OFC)", from 06 - 11 June 2021. [7 days]
National Webinar on "Satellite Communication" which was delivered by Prof. V. Mahadevan, Scientist, ISRO, organised by Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology (BIET), Jhansi and NUMEREGION on 5th June 2021. [1 day]
Webinar on “Machine Learning for Wireless Communications” organized by IEEE Inÿormation Theory Society (ITS) Bangalore Chapter on 8th June 2021. [1 day]
22nd International Webinar on “Achieving energy efficiency in high data rate transmission techniques for 5G systems” organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 03rd June 2021. [1 day]
Two Months course on "RF and millimeter-Wave Circuit Design" an online non-credit course authorized by Eindhoven University of Technology and offered through Coursera [2 Months]
Workshop on “Security and AI Applications for 5G” Jointly Organized by IEEE Student Branch of MSRUAS, IEEE AP-MTT Joint Chapter, IEEE ComSoc Chapter and IEEE Education Society Chapter Bangalore Sectionduring 27nd -29th May, 2021. [3 days]
Lecture Series talk by Dr. Sudhakar Rao, on the topic "Recent Developments Of Advanced Antenna Products For Space And Ground Applications, L4, Papers/Patents And Reflection Of My Career" conducted by IEEE-MTTS Kerala Chapter, IEEE APS & MTT-S IIST and IEEE APS & MTT-S SBC GECBH, Thiruvananthapuram and co-sponsored by IEEE Future Directions LEO SatS Project on 28th May 2021.
Five-day FDP on “Advanced Electromagnetics and Applications” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai during 24th - 28th May 2021. [5 days]
Lecture series talk on "Recent Developments In The Science Of Metamaterials And Navigating The Metamaterials Landscape" by Prof. Ashwin K. Iyer, organized by IEEE MTT-S Kerala Section & IEEE APS & MTT-S GECBH, held on 21st May 2021. [1 day]
Twelve Hours TMCC08 "Simulation of Reconfigurable Antennas using CST" Course, TESLA MIND Chennai held between 15th to 22nd May 2021 [6 days]
Attended the "Tech webinar series" organised as a part of National Technology Day - 2021 on May 11 and 17 (Two Days), Organised by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology, and Environment (KSCSTE) on 11, 12,14, 17 and 18 May 2021, in association with APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Kerala. [2 days]
One-week online AICTE Short Term Training Programme on "Machine Learning on Recent Trends and Applications Phase-I" organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute of Technology, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, during 10 - 15 May. 2021 [6 days]
“2021 CELO Conference and exhibition” co-sponsored by the American Physical Society's (APS) Laser Science Division, the IEEE Photonics Society, and The Optical Society of America (OSA), during 9–14 May 2021. [6 days]
Two days National Level Workshop on "Robotics Vision", organized by Pantech Solutions on 7-8 May 2021. [2 days]
Two Days Virtual Workshop on "Startup Entrepreneurship Bootcamp: For Idea Stage Entrepreneurs" during 3-4 May, 2021, jointly organized by Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. [2 days]
Two days National Level Workshop on "Artificial Intelligence", organized by Pantech Solutions on 30 April to 1st May 2021. [2 days]
Distinguished Microwave Lecture on "TERAHERTZ COMMUNICATIONS AT 300 GHZ: DEVICES, PACKAGES, AND SYSTEM" organised by IEEE MTT-S KERALA SECTION; IEEE APS; MTT-S SBC IIST in Association with IEEE APS & MTT-S SBC GECBH, by Dr. Ho-Jin Song on April 30th 2021. [1 day]
One-week workshop on "MIMO and Beamforming Antennas for wireless and satellite Applications" IEEE Delhi section Antennas & Propagation Society (APS)- chapter Jaipur in association with IEEE Young Professionals Affinity Group, Bangalore Section during April 26-30, 2021. [5 days]
Virtual event organized by NextG Channel Model Alliance, in collaboration with The IEEE VT-S Propagation Committee and IEEE SA P2982 on “Terahertz Channels And Systems” held on 27th April, 2021 in conjunction with the 2021 IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC2021-Spring, held virtually, 25 April – 19 May 2021.
One Week International workshop on "Recent Advancement on Electronics and Computer Intelligence (IWRAECI-2021)", Sambalpur University Institute of Information Technology (SUIIT), Burla, Odisha, India, held from 26th to 30th April 2021. [5 days]
Webinar Series on "Antenna Systems, Propagation Channels, OTA and Wireless Performance of Buildings" by IEEE Malaysia Antenna Propagation / Microwave Theory Technique / Electromagnetic Compatibility (AP/MTT/EMC) Joint Chapter, 21 April 2021. [1 day]
E-Symposium on "Health Care Materials & Devices" at Deakin -IIT Madras - IIT Hyderabad Centre of Excellence In Advanced Materials & Manufacturing, held on 15-16 April 2021. [2 days]
Webinar series on "Recent Advancements in RF & Microwave Circuits and Devices" organized by ECE Department, Bennett University in association with NUMEREGION, during 5-9 April, 2021. [5 days]
GUJCOST sponsored three days workshop on "IoT and Wearable Technology" organized by Electronics and Communication Engineering department, Sarvajainik College of Engineering and Technology, Surat, Gujarat during 8 - 10 April, 2021. [3 days]
Webinar-3 Series on "SHARING SESSION – ROUTE TO BECOME A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER (MIEM AND PE)" IEEE Malaysia Antenna Propagation/Microwave Theory Technique/Electromagnetic Compatibility (AP/MTT/EMC) Joint Chapter, 06 April 2021. [1 day]
One day workshop on "Grant Writing" during Research Scholars Day, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras on 2nd April 2021. [1 day]
One day workshop on "Profile Building Hacks" during Research Scholars Day, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras on 2nd April 2021. [1 day]
"One Week International Seminar on Electronics and Computing Technology (ISECT 2021)" organized by Department of Electronics SUIIT, Sambalpur University Institute of Information Technology (SUIIT), Burla, Odisha during 27th March to 1st April 2021. [6 days]
Workshop on "Visible Light for Broadband Communications: Current Research & Standardization" IIT Delhi Center of Excellence on LiFi supported by India-EU ICT Standardisation Cooperation Project during 25 - 26 March 2021. [2 days]
Indo-US Vajra course on "Fundementals of Electromagnetics (EMF-2021)" organized by National Institute of Technology Silchar (India), Jawaharlal Nehru University Delhi (India) and, California State University Northridge (USA), during 15 - 19 March, 2021. [5 days]
One week short term course on "Modern Wireless Communication Systems and Antenna Engineering with Experimental Learning" organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Sikkim during 15 - 20 March, 2021. [6 days].
Webinar on "Antenna Design with Metamaterial" IEEE Malaysia Antenna Propagation/Microwave Theory Technique/Electromagnetic Compatibility (AP/MTT/EMC) Joint Chapter, 16 March 2021. [1 day]
One week online workshop on "Modern Antennas for Present and Futuristic Wireless Communication Technologies" organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Sikkim during 8 - 13 March, 2021. [6 days]
Webinar on "5G Fundementals" organized by Mobile Comm. Professional Inc., during 8th March 2021. [1 day]
Five day “LECTURE SERIES” organized by IEEE Student Branch, Sardar Vallabhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), SURAT from March 02 to March 06, 2021. [5 days]
"Five days Know Your IEEE webinar series" organized by Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering under the aegis of IEEE Student Branch, Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research, Indore, 1-5 March 2021. [5 days].
Webinar on "Avionics Systems in Modern Civil Aircraft" conducted as a part of National Science Week 2021 by IEEE APS MTT-S SBCs of Government Engineering College Bartonhill, Trivandrum during 24th February, 2021. [1 day]
Webinar on "Metamaterial and Antenna Design for Future Generation Wireless Communication Systems" Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India during Feb 22-26, 2021. [5 days]
Workshop on "Antenna Modeling & Simulation using FEKO and IEEE Authorship", IEEE AP-MTT Joint chapter and IEEE Bangalore Section, during 22-27 February, 2021. [6 days]
Short Course on "Antenna Systems for 5G Communications", European School of Antennas, University of Seina, 15-19 February 2021. [5 days]
Virtual Symposium on RF and Microwave Propagation, Birla Institute of Science and Technology, Pilani, 30th January 2021. [1 day]
Webinar on “Antenna: Fundamentals and Measurements” IEEE APS Student Branch Chapter University of Calcutta, during 9th January 2021. [1 day]
“Referencing and Citation Tools: Mendeley” SSIM, Telangana, conducted in association with Elsevier on 8th January, 2021. [1 day]
2020 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP 2020), Kolkata, India IEEE AP/MTT-S Kolkata Chapter, India, during 17-20 December 2020. [4 days]
17th International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSYM 2020), Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, India 14-16, December 2020. [3 days]
Workshop on “Advanced Antennas for Space and Industrial Applications: Design, Modelling, Hardware and Test” APS & MTTS Kerala Chapter, 2-3 December 2020.
AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Wearable Devices” Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences from 30th November 2020 to 04th December 2020. [5 days]
Webinar on “Multi-functional MIMO Antenna for 5G Applications” IEEE AP/MTT-S Kolkata Chapter, India, during 29th November 2020. [1 day]
Five-day online workshop on “Advanced Design in RF” IEEE HMRIT student branch, New Delhi, held on 16-20, November 2020. [5 days]
"All Kerala APS Student’s Conclave 2020", IEEE APS Student Branch of Kerala during19-21, September 2020. [3 days]
Webinar on “Electrically Small Antennas: Challenges and Solutions” IEEE MTTS and APS Kerala Section, 19th September 2020. [1 day]
Webinar on “Role of MTTS Volunteer in shaping future of engineering students post COVID-19” IEEE MTTS and APS Kerala Section, 17th September 2020. [1 day]
IEEE International Conference for Convergence in Engineering (ICCE 2020), Netaji Subhash Engineering College, 5-6 September 2020. [2 days]
CST workshop on Simulation And co-simulations of RF modules, IEEE MTT-S student branch chapter, IIT Delhi and IEEE MTT-S Delhi chapter, during 4-6 September 2020. [3 days]
Webinar on “Design of Microwave Filters” IEEE MTTS and APS Kerala Section, 29th August 2020.
Webinar on “Flexible, Wearable, Disposable Wireless Communication and Sensing Systems Through Additive Manufacturing” IEEE MTTS and APS Kerala Section, 29th August 2020. [1 day]
AICTE Sponsored Virtual STTP on “Trends and Technologies in Antenna Design and its Research Scopes” Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, Cochin, Kerala, India, during 10-16 August 2020. [7 days]
Five days lecture series on “Future Antenna Technologies” IEEE APS Madras Chapter, in association with Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, during 11-15 August 2020. [5 days]
“International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2020)” (Virtual Conference) IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society’s, 04-06 August 2020 at the Los Angeles Convention Center, California. [3 days]
Webinar on “Importance of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI/EMC) in Electronic-Product Design", The Oxford College of Engineering, during 10th August 2020. [1 day]
One Week International Workshop on “Metamaterial & its Applications” IEEE Delhi Section Antenna & Propagation Society (APS) Chapter – Jaipur during July 27-31, 2020. [4 days]
Webinar on “Metamaterials for Millimeter-Wave Antennas- 5G and Beyond” IEEE MTT-S student branch chapter, IIT Delhi on 13th July 2020. [1 day]
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society and Canadian National Committee for the International Union of Radio Science, 5-10 July 2020. [6 days]
One Week AICTE-MHRD Sponsored online STTP on “Design and Simulation of Miniature Antenna for IoT Application” MVGR College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh during 29 June-04 July, 2020. [6 days]
One Week Lecture Series on “Recent Trends on RF and its Applications” IEEE Antenna & Propagation Society Chapter – Jaipur and Rajasthan Subsection during June 26-30, 2020. [5 days]
International Webinar Series on “Advanced Antenna Design Principles” Department of ECE, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai from 25-27 June 2020. [3 days]
One Week FDP on “Computational Tools on Engineering and Research: Opportunities and Challenges” R R Group of Institutions, Lucknow during 1-6 June, 2020. [6 days]
Webinar on “Modern antennas for Wireless Systems” in association with Keysight Technologies and IEEE MTT-S/AP-S Joint Chapter Gujarat section, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur during 22 to 24 May 2020. [3 days]
Five day Online National FDP on “Artificial Intelligence” Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology & Sciences, Andhra Pradesh during 22-26 May 2020. [5 days]
Five Day National Level Online FDP on “Modern Research Trends in Communication, Signal Processing and VLSI/MEMS” Andhra Loyola Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Vijayawada during 19-23 May 2020. [5 days]
Online FDP on “Microstrip Antennas for Advanced Wireless Communications” in association with IETE Kallam Haranadhareddy Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, 15 to 16 May 2020. [2 days]
Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) Online Sessions Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of MHRD's Innovation Cell, New Delhi during 28 April to 22 May, 2020. [6 days]
Online Training Program on “SIW Based Structures Simulation Using HFSS” Entuple Technologies on 18th May 2020. [1 day]
IEEE Society Chapter Webinar Series IEEE Bangalore Section during 12-15 May, 2020. [4 days]
2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro–Optics ("CLEO”) American Physical Society's (APS) Laser Science Division, the IEEE Photonics Society during 11-15 May 2020. [5 days]
Webinar on “Antenna design simulation using TaraNG 19.1” IEEE MTT-S Kerala Section during 3rd May 2020. [1 day]
One day workshop on Metamaterials for Antenna Applications Pre-conference workshop: 2nd Indian Conference on Antenna and Propagation, Dec. 18, 2019, Ahmedabad, India. [1 day]
Ph.D initiative program: IEEE MTT-S International Microwave & RF Conference (IMaRC-2019), Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India during 13-15 December, 2019. [3 days]
Short term course on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (EMI/EMC)Techniques, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India during 09-13 October, 2019. [5 days]
IEEE MTT-S one day workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility Techniques and Standards for Industrial and Biomedical Applications, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India during 12 October, 2019. [1 day]
Two-Day workshop on Strengthening Career Prospects with Communication and Presentation Skills (Phase II) Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, India during 19-20 October, 2019. [2 days]
Two-Day workshop on Strengthening Career Prospects with Communication and Presentation Skills (Phase I) Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, India during 07-08 September, 2019. [2 days]
"IEEE APS International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSYM 2018)", Department of Electronics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, India during 07-08 December 2018. [2 days]
"IEEE APS workshop on Antenna and Wave Propagation", College of Engineering, Chengannur, Kerala, India on 29th December 2015. [1 day]
"Three days IEEE APS workshop on Computational Electromagnetics", Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, India 07-09, December 2015. [3 days]
"Short Term Training Programme on Keysight ADS and EMPro", Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, India, CUSAT, 28-30 Oct. 2015. [3 days]
"IEEE AP-S Region10 Distinguished speaker programme", Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, Cochin, India 5th August 2015. [1 day]
Short term training program on "Computational Electromagnetics using HFSS", Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, India, 15-19 June 2015. [5 days]
Workshop on "Image Sensing, Medical Imaging and Satellite Image Processing", Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Kerala (IIITM-K), 20-21 March 2015. [2 days]
"Printed Circuit Board design Using EDWIN-XP software", District Industries Centre, Cochin, March 2014. [21 days]
"Implant Training at All India Radio", Cochin Studio and Transmitter, All India Radio, Cochin, 23-09-2013 to 02-10-2013. [10 days]
"Short Term Workshop on Analog Electronics", KMEA Enggineering College, Cochin, India during 04-14 June 2013. [10 days]
"National workshop on VLSI signal processing", Musaliar College of Engineering and Technology, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, 01-02 March 2012. [2 days]
"Development of Checkout for Test and Evaluation of S200 Control Electronics", Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), ISRO, Trivandrum, 16-08-2011 to 30-09-2011. [45 days]
Implant Training in "working of Electronic Telephone Exchange Systems, Transmission Systems", Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India 28-06-2011 to 08-07-2011. [15 days]
Technical Lecture programme on "High Power Transmitters", Doordarshan High Power Transmitters, Cochin, Kerala, India 06th August 2010. [1 day]