
Thursday, February 17

18:00 ~ 19:30

Francesc Bars(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

On determining bielliptic quotient modular curves I

Friday, February 18

09:30 ~ 10:10

Daeyeol Jeon(Kongju National University)

Modular curves with infinitely many rational points

10:10 ~ 10:20

Coffee Break

10:20 ~ 11:00

Byoung Du Kim(Victoria University of Wellington)

Construction of anti-cyclotomic Euler systems of modular abelian varieties, and the ranks of their Mordell-Weil groups

11:00 ~ 11:10

Coffee Break

11:10 ~ 11:50

SoYoung Choi(Gyeongsang National University)

On the zeros of weakly holomorphic modular forms in the level two

11:50 ~ 14:00


14:00 ~ 14:40

WonTae Hwang(Jeonbuk National University)

Automorphism groups of polarized abelian varieties over finite fields - summary of current status, and one of its applications

14:40 ~ 14:50

Coffee Break

14:50 ~ 15:30

Soon-Yi Kang(Kangwon National University)

Divisibility of Fourier coefficients of weakly holomorphic modular functions

15:30 ~ 15:40

Coffee Break

15:40 ~ 16:20

Chang Heon Kim(Sungkyunkwan University)

Weakly holomorphic Hecke eigenforms

16:20 ~ 18:00


18:00 ~ 19:30

Francesc Bars(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

On determining bielliptic quotient modular curves II

Saturday, February 19

09:30 ~ 12:00

Free Discussion

12:00 ~ 14:00
