Data Analytics Project - Ambulance Positioning System to aid Road Accidents

to increase the emergency response to road accidents by finding the best locations to position of ambulances.

Problem Statement

Road traffic collisions are the number one killer of children and young adults ages 5-29, and 8th leading cause of death worldwide. The rise in the number of vehicles is bound to have some adverse effects, the most likely being the increase in the number of deadly road accidents, in densely populated areas and overburdening of the infrastructure in an urban area.

Many measures might help in reducing the number of casualties and injuries drastically, caused by road accidents some of which being: Providing medical help to victims of road accidents in a timely manner, Notification about the precise situation to the first responders and better data analysis considering each and every factor to diagnose and predict the most optimal paramedic help.

When it comes to emergency response to road accidents, every second counts. With heavy traffic patterns and the unique layout of the city, finding the best locations to position emergency responders throughout the day as they wait to be called is critical in any urban city.


Following are the major objectives of our problem statement:

  • To study major factors contributing to critical road accidents including weather, speed of a vehicle, road infrastructure, a particular time of day and specific dates (like public holidays, weekends/weekdays ) or some specific areas. (Diagnostic Analysis)

  • Determine the positioning of at least five different paramedic help to be placed in order to minimize the distance between the ambulance and any reported crash site. To provide post-crash road safety and reducing mortality rate. (Predictive analysis)

  • To advise the citizens to follow certain speed limits based on the diagnostic analysis of any specific area depending on parameters like weather, day or time. (Prescriptive analysis)

increase emergency response

decrease distance b/w crash site and ambulance

increase understanding on reasons of crashes