Alex Merced's

Bootcamp Projects

from his time in General Assembly's

Software Engineering Immersive program

FInal Project

My final project consisted of one application made up of many mini-applications made up of different technologies such as React, Typescript, Express, AWS Lamda, Serverless Framework, GO/Buffalo, Angular, Vue, Svelte, Ruby on Rails, Stencil, and GraphQL

  1. front page application created with React/Typescript
  2. Member section and blogging app made with Express/Serverless/Lamda API and Svelte used for front-end application
  3. User public blog pages created using Vue/Nuxt
  4. Todo list API built with Go/Buffalo
  5. Front-end to-do list application built with Angular 8/9

Week 10-12 - React/PHP/Postgres

Unit 4 Group Project

During this unit we learned to create a backend api using PHP/Postgres with no framework and to create front-end SPA using React. The unit project is group project.

Savvy Hotspots

  • A Savannah Georgia Travel Site:
  1. Full Stack using PHP/Postgres Backend, and React Front-end
  2. Populates restaurants in the popular Savannah neighborhoods with Opentable's API
  3. Custom PHP backend allows users to leave comments on restaurants
  4. Uses React Router, React Hooks and other advanced react features

Week 9 - Unit 3 Group Project


  • A Movie Based Social Network:
  1. Full Stack Application using Mongo, Express and AngularJS
  2. User Authorization
  3. Ability to Comment on and Like Movies
  4. Top Movie Tracker
  5. Favorite Movie Tracker

Week 8 - Full Stack with AngularJS


  • An Application for tracking web bookmarks:
  1. Full Stack Application using Mongo, Express and AngularJS
  2. User Authorization

Richard and Alex's Address Book

  • An application for tracking contacts:
  1. Done as a group project to practice team coding and make use of github branches
  2. AngularJS front end single page application

Week 6/7 - Unit 2 Project - node/Express/Mongo


  • An Application for tracking events and volunteers:
  1. User Accounts
  2. Ability to create, edit, view and delete events and volunteers
  3. Generate a public page to view event data and assigned volunteers

Week 5 & 6 - C.R.U.D (Express/Mongo)

Captains Log

A note taking application using Express/Mongo

  • User authentication and password encryption incorporated
  • Each user sees their unique notes
  • routes are protected from those not logged in
  • Full CRUD Functionality

ANother Am Blog

Not a an assignment but I took what we learned about Express and Mongo and created this blog application from the ground up.


The project was to make a crud mock store front with some other functionality, here was the results.

CRUD Pokedex App

This application is my first time deploying to heroku (in the past I've used Netlify, Linode VPS, and Github for deployment). This is a very basic crud application made before we are to learn MongoDB to add deeper CRUD functionality.

Week 4 - Unit 1 Project - Html/css/js/ajax

Pet Adoption App

As we completed the first unit we had to make use of our front end html/css/javascript skills to create an app that pulls information from an API and has interactive UI elements. I created an app for searching adoptable pets near anywhere!

Week 3 (Jquery and Ajax)

Calculator App

To-Do List APp

Bill and Ted Tic TaC Toe

Recent Complaints in NYC

Week 2 (OOP Classes and Flexbox)

Space Battle!!!

Recreate Flowerbox Mockup

Graveyard Landscaper Game

Recreate Oscar Website