Ambiance Cafe & Waffle'n'Go

Ambiance Cafe

Open 09:00 - 18:00

Monday - Sunday


Open 12:00 - 20:00

Tuesday - Sunday

Closed Mondays

Welcome to the Ambiance Cafe & Waffle'n'Go website.

Set in the beautiful Riverside Park in St Neots the Ambiance Cafe has been serving the community since 2007.

Waffle'nGo opened its doors in 2018.

Located in the beautiful Riverside Park in St Neots.

We offer a wide choice of refreshments. From light snacks through to main meals.

Whatever the weather take a moment to relax out on the terrace or in our fully licensed cafe/restaurant.

Wi-Fi Available

If it is for just a coffee or a feast we will extend a warm welcome.


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