Amber Mackey

Ph.D Candidate in Political Science

University of Pennsylvania

Amber is a Ph.D. candidate in political science at the University of Pennsylvania and a visiting scholar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her research examines public policy, representation, and race and ethnic politics in the United States.  

Specifically, Amber's research examines when policies about race make it to the political agenda and how do these policies impact existing racial inequalities.  Her dissertation utilizes text analysis to track legislative attention to race across states and the federal government. Through this work she aims to document how variations in attention, responsiveness, and policy outputs impact the lived realities of people of color. 

Amber is a recipient of the MIT-SHASS Predoctoral Fellowship (2023-2024). She has been recognized as an American Political Science Association Minority Fellow, Urban Leaders Fellow, Fontaine Fellow,  and Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow. Her research has benefitted from the generous support of the Center for the Study of Race and Immigration,  Penn Institute for Urban Research, the University of Pennsylvania Department of Political Science, and the American Political Science Association

She is a graduate of Barnard College of Columbia University where she majored in political science and sociology. Amber will be on the job market in the fall of 2023.