Modding Guides & Links

Build your own custom rom - useful basic tips!

► First download your firmware or use Frija tool for downloading samsung firmwares

► Open AP_G950FXXU1XXX_CL12502673_QB15780950_REV00_user_low_ship_meta.tar.md5 by 7-zip and exctract boot.img and system.img

► Open CSC_OXM_G950FOXM1XXX_CL12502673_QB15780950_REV00_user_low_ship.tar.md5 by 7-zip and exctract cache.img

► Now you have ready files to create your own custom rom!

► Download android kitchen now. I recommended SuperR's Kitchen for Linux/Windows

► When you have ready kitchen create new project and copy into project folder firmware files boot.img , system.img , cache.img

► After exctrating img you can deodex system files by SuperR's Kitchen this tool got this option but only donate version

► Also in SuperR's Kitchen you can add root and busybox into your rom!

► Kitchen build your zip and you are ready to go!

Here you can find some useful threads about modding!

EspDroids Los Fogones de Android

[Mods]Samsung ¬Android Mods Collection[Exynos]


Collection of Guides & Mods & Links for Samsung Android 7.0

Collection of Guides & Mods & Links for Samsung Android 6.0

For modding you need a tool "APK Tool"

Apktool website

Some basic command for apktool

Installing framework: apktool if framework-res.apk -p framework

Decompiling apk: apktool d -b framework-res.apk -p framework

Recompiling apk: apktool b -c framework-res -p framework

Decompiling apk (without resources) : apktool d -b --no-res SystemUI.apk -p framework

Recompiling apk (without resources) : apktool b -c --no-res SystemUI -p framework

Decompiling jar: apktool d -b services.jar

Recompiling jar: apktool b -c services.jar.out

Or you can use this nice tool for DECOMPILE/RECOMPILE

Tickle My Android

When you decompile apk/jar you need to have some basic knowledge what next!?

Here you can find some useful guides for modding!

Understanding and Creating Smali Mods & General Smali Questions

XML 101 - XML Modding Made Easy!

Have fun and good luck!