Our Core Values:

  1. Outward Focused: We must continue to ask & be driven by this question. "How can we reach others with the saving message of Jesus?' Driven by the needs of those outside, not the desires of those inside. Those with the food of the Gospel sharing food to the starving, not commenting, "I'm not sure I like how this meal tasted." 1 Corinthians 9:22-23

  2. Relevant - we will seek to preach & teach timeless truths in timely ways. Our various ministries are also designed for the age in which we live not for the 1500s, 1900's, or 1960's. As Luther took the German bible & made the prophets speak German - our goal is to take the Bible & use the language & technology of today in order to speak to the heart of people 7 not over the head of the people. Acts 15;19

  3. Biblical - We fee true wisdom is beyond what our culture offers, beyond Dr. Phil, beyond any one pastor or one person. if you're on the search for what is true you have to turn to the Word of God. We believe the Bible to be inspired by God. The basis of our teaching 7 preaching therefore will be God's word as we rely on his wisdom. 2 Timothy 3:16

  4. Bringing Best - Sunday will be the best part of our week & will build us up. The best of God's gifts on display in all elements of what we do as we gather around his Word. We reject that Jesus deserves our leftovers - as he gave his best, his life, so we give it our all & then some. 1 Samuel 7:2

  5. All Involved - We are together the universal priesthood of believers. we all have work to do as the body of Christ. Every member must be involved in the mission of the church. When one part of the body is missing, the whole body suffers. 1 Corinthians 12

  6. Inviting - We all will be actively inviting others to church in order to see the great gifts our Goad has for us. this is how most people connect to the amazing love of God. So who are you bring to church this Sunday? Mark 1:16-20

  7. Grace-Centered - We are saved no bec ause of our goodness, but because of God's grace. Grace is God's underserved, amazing love. Grace is our major reason for joy & peace. grace was clearly seen as Jesus gave his life for sinners, and saved his natural born enemies. Our lives of thanks & service flow out of appreciation for his grace. Romans 1:16