The name aardvark, Afrikaans for “earth pig”,refers to its piglike face and burrowing habits
Alligators are native to only two countries, which are the southern USA and China
African Penguin
Penguins have more feathers than any other bird, which act as a waterproof layer keeping their skin dry. African Penguins moult once a year which they do back in their colonies.
Black Widow Spider
The strength of black widows’ webs are comparatively stronger than steel! Scientists actively study the spider’s weaving silks in the hopes of replicating it for infrastructure projects, like bridges!
Herd mentality: Buffalo herds use a kind of “vote” to decide which direction to move next!
Butterflies can fly up to 37 miles per hour
they can survive without water for up to 10 months providing they find food and they can travel vast distances (sometimes more than 30km) in just one day, whilst carrying a load that could exceed 200kg.
All clownfish are born with female and male sex organs. These hermaphroditic fish can switch gender depending on where they are in their life cycle
The cuscus can live up to 11 years in the wild and is sometimes called a folivore because it eats a diet of leaves.
Deer shed and then grow back their antlers every year after the end of the mating season.
Are social and typically live in groups called pods. Most pods have up to 30 individuals, but superpods of more than 1,000 dolphins have been observed.
Dung Beetle
The dung beetle can push objects many times its own weight