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Certified Awesome Contractor

Are you awesome and want to tell the world?

This shirt says it all

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Stop Whining And Start Winning

Gary Vaynerchuk said it best "Stop Whining and Start Winning"

Now you can wear it proudly

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Social Media Superstar E-Book

Want to be a social media rockstar? Ready this e-book where we reveal the secrets we used to take a small painting company that started with nothing to a multi-million dollar company.

This Ebook will help guide you through this process.

Bonus Content, a brief personal video on using Social Media in your contracting business

Learn from our experiences, we have had content hit 975,000 views and one account has over 65,000 followers. We share our secrets with you. E-Book will be emailed within 24 hours

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Walter Bond Swim

Written as an engaging parable, Swim! How a Shark, a Suckerfish, and a Parasite Teach You Leadership, Mentoring, and Next Level Success brings to life real-world challenges (and their solutions) and presents them in simple, yet powerful terms. The book explores the vital importance of networking, explores the steps that lead to successful networking, and explains why we need it. Buy here

Walter Stoffel: Arthur

Young Arthur Berndt is fighting to survive his childhood but the odds are stacked against him. He lives in two worlds—the violent one he shares with his father at home and the confused one outside his house, where he continually gets into trouble in a futile attempt to gain acceptance at any cost.Every day of his life Arthur finds himself trapped under the same roof with a mortal enemy—August Berndt. Though terrified of his abusive father, Arthur dares not reveal his fears to anyone else. Instead, on the street he becomes a follower in his desperate effort to be accepted by someone—anyone. Buy here

Mike Cameron Becoming A Better Man

“A powerful, raw story that is somehow both unique and relatable, Becoming A Better Man shows us how to close the gap between the men we wish to be and how we are actually behaving. It’s a courageous look at the doubts and fears we’ve learned not to talk about, and a reminder that together we can create a stronger, healthier understanding of what ‘manhood’ really means.”

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Ed Hearn Conquering Life's Curves

On the surface, Ed Hearn had a brief baseball career, a member of the 1986 New York Mets World Series Championship team

Hearn had a promising career as a catcher. He gives an excellent look into his life throughout school as a star athlete. He does not hold back as he tells his story, blemishes and all.

Tragically, Hearn was stricken with kidney problems, requiring a transplant. Once again, Hearn tackles this part of the story with brutal honesty. Sometimes it is painful. Sometimes it is heart-wrenching. At all times, it is inspirational. Buy The Book

W.T Hamilton

As the struggles of being a new entrepreneur were quickly mounting, gifting him with the feeling of having bit off a lot more than he could chew, Peter reached out to his old friend in the hopes of gaining some much needed insight and mental stimulation. But he had no idea what was about to transpire or the grand discoveries he would receive. For this would prove to be no ordinary business meeting but an extraordinary journey into the depths of The Harsh Truths about the success code and how Peter could win in this tricky battle of wits & knowledge. Dive into this intriguing book as the twists and turns in this story will take the reader into the secrets that build dreams and The Harsh Truths that destroy them. Buy The Book

David Essel

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Are you really ready for the secrets to love and relationships?

• Are you frustrated with love relationships and friendships?• Do you struggle with family relationships… And not sure why?• Have you become “codependent” with your lovers, friends, or family members?• Are there any healthy men and or women left in this world to date?• Do you still have resentments against former lovers, friends or family?• What is REAL intimacy? The definition here, may surprise you.

Dwier Brown

If You Build It… is a funny and moving memoir about Fathers, Fate and Field of Dreams. Dwier Brown played Kevin Costner’s father for five minutes at the end of the movie Field of Dreams. Despite being an actor for 35 years and performing in hundreds of other films, plays and television shows, it was those five minutes that changed his life. Since the movie’s release in 1989, Brown has been recognized by dozens of fans who have told him poignant stories about their fathers and how watching the film changed their lives. Their touching stories helped Brown put into perspective his own father’s unexpected death just a month before he began filming Field of Dreams. Buy The Book