
Most Recent Publications and Presentations

“Developing a Moral Reasoning Toolbox Through a Case-Based Progressive Writing Assignment in the Bioethics Classroom,” American Association of Philosophy Teachers, June 2021

“Nonideal Theory and Ethical Pragmatism in Bioethics: Value Conflicts in LGBTQ+ Family-Making” in Applying Nonideal Theory to Bioethics: Living and Dying in a Nonideal World, edited by Elizabeth Victor and Laura Guidry-Grimes 2021

“What is Pregnancy Ambivalence? Is it Maternal Ambivalence?” for The Maternal Tug: Ambivalence, Identity, and Agency, edited by Sara LaChance Adams, Tanya Cassidy, and Susan Hogan, 2020.

Earlier Publications

"Double Rainbow Baby" in Swelling with Pride: Queer Conception and Adoption Stories, ed. by Sara Graefe, 2018

Experience as Evidence: Pregnancy Loss, Pragmatism, and Fetal StatusThe Journal of Social Philosophy, 49 (2018): 270-93.

“Introduction to Value Theory” (co-authored with Pieranna Garavasco) and “Feminist Abortion Ethics and Fetal Status” in The Bloomsbury Companion to Analytical Feminism

(Queer) Family Values and ‘Reciprocal IVF’: What Difference Does Sexual Identity Make?Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, 27, 3 (Sept. 2017): 443-73

(co-authored with Timothy Murphy) “Clinical Responses to Infertility in Lesbians and Queer Women,Fertility & Sterility Dialog May 15, 2017

"So This Lesbian Couple Walks Into a Fertility Clinic...: Bioethics and the Medicalization of Queer Women's Reproduction" APA Newsletter on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Philosophy 15, 2 (Spring 2016): 6-12.

"What Does Queer Family Equality Have to Do with Reproductive Ethics?" International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 9, 1 (Spring 2016): 27-67.

"A Procedural, Pragmatist Account of Ethical Objectivity" Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 23, 2 (2013): 169-200.

"Ethical Progress as Problem-Resolving" The Journal of Political Philosophy 20, 4 (2012): 384-406.

"Ethical Progress and the Goldilocks Problem" Southwest Philosophy Review 26, 1 (2010) (Proceedings of the 2009 Southwestern Philosophical Association Conference)

"Second-Personal Respect, the Experiential Aspect of Respect, and Feminist Philosophy" Hypatia 25 (Spring 2010): 316-33.

"Femininity, Sports, and Feminism: A Theory of Physical Liberation." The Journal of Sport & Social Issues 28 (August 2004): 245-65. (with Susan Basow)

Current and Upcoming Projects

Book project on reproductive ethics and queer family-making

Article in Progress and Forthcoming Conference Presentation at CSWIP: "Childbirth, Consent, and Safewords"

In Progress: Anonymous vs. Open Donor Conception, Children’s Interests, and the Parental as Political