Amanda Eiden's Writing Portfolio


April 2022 in Mystery Tribune

Short horror fiction

CW: graphic descriptions of injury, blood, dead bodies, dead animals, mentions of drug usage & alcoholism, mentions of suicide


January 2023 in The Chamber Magazine

Short horror fiction

CW: mentions and acts of verbal, physical, and animal abuse; graphic descriptions of blood, death, dead bodies; mentions of pet loss

"Under the Bed"

August 2022 in Five on the Fifth

Short horror fiction

CW: mentions of verbal abuse, violence, murder, adultery, and death

"Harvest Season"

December 2022 in The Yard: Crime Blog

Short horror fiction

CW: knives; guns; graphic descriptions of blood, organs, dead bodies, torture, violence, and murder, including: skin slicing, skin burning, and eyeball extraction; insinuations and acts of cannibalism.


January 2023 in White Wall Review

Short horror fiction

CW: blood/gore described in detail, mentions of abuse and alcoholism, an animal is killed but not described in detail
