The first town I inhabited with Ash, my seven-year-old son, in New Zealand (we were Covid-waylaid there from March 2020 until recently) was recently hit by massive flooding. Our little lockdown farm town on the North Island, devastated. The photos my old accidental Kiwi friends sent over\u2014cars, homes, entire histories buried in meters of silt and sludge\u2014feel emotionally familiar. They look like my life. Some things are salvageable. Some things are just going to live in that silt forever, donated to the earth: the family heirlooms, the handmade quilts, the children\u2019s books, the journals and cross-stitch of the great-grandmothers. Gone.

I lost my friend two months ago. Im 13 she died in a car crash. She was the only one who didnt survive. I had no clue since she was my online friend and I thought she ghosted me and I kept calling for months. One month ago I called her and somebody picked up I thought it was her and I said hey. But it wasnt her it was her mom she said she died in a car crash, it felt like everything stopped I didnt want to beleive it. Her mom cried on the phone for twenty minutes I was speechless I didnt know how to respond and eventually she ended the call. I went on my days like nothing happened because I just wanted to beleive that she was alive and this was a prank and she was going to call me back and say hey sabrina this was all just a big prank. I realised yesterday that she really is gone. I spent all those night thinking about her and wondering when she was going to call me. Shes gone for ever. It hit me like a bus now I cant stop crying I told my parents. It feels like a part of me was ripped. I loved her so much, to the point where I was falling in love with her, now shes gone.

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Thank you for taking the time to comment. I am so sorry for everything you are going through. I know it feels unbearable, but what you are experiencing is all normal. You may want to seek out the support of a therapist trained in grief, which you can find here: -counselor-directory/. If you are thinking of hurting yourself, or even if you just need someone to talk with, please call the national suicide helpline at 1-800-273-8255 or visit their website where you can do a live online chat

Thankyou all for sharing ; hearing makes me feel not so alone.

My best friend Hugh died on 6 March, 6 months ago after a short illness. We had been friends for 37 years : I met him when I was 14 and through all the years since he has seen me through so many adventures and heartaches and the deaths of all my family and an old University friend. He was my big brother, my Dad, my Uncle as well as my funny , witty, intelligent kind and generous, warm best friend. He always had a welcome home for me. I feel so utterly bereft without him and wonder how now I am to find an anchor. But I must and I know I am blessed to have had him

For so long. I shall always miss him and hope one day we can sit and drink tea and laugh together as old. Thankyou Hugh. Please


Me strength to carry on and keep your memory alive.

Much love to all you out there who are similarly living with the grief of a best friend.

My friend died yesterday.

I felt it was going to happen soon(as she had only been given several months to live following cancer diagnosis) , I was hopeful she would come home from hospital.

We shared many things & I feel a deep loss.

Though I am grieving I cannot bear to think how her spouse, children,parents & siblings are feeling.

We spoke the truth to each other & discussed probabilities of death but its happened & it is still a shock.

Losing a close friend when you know it is inevitable is shocking , sudden loss for unexplained reasons must be 100 fold worse.

We shared a unique relationship, I am so glad we did. There are many wonderful memories which I will cherish as I move through this trying time.

So, some black women in America, like Roxane Gay, have been critical of what they see as a mainstream feminism that leaves black women out. How do you feel about feminism in America? Is it a white thing?

My father died 2 months ago due to septic shock. A week before he died, he had UTI but chose to just drink water to cure it, was feeling lethargic and both feet started to swell, but he ignored it as just another symptom of walking too much. A week later, the pain on one feet got severe and i rushed him to the ER, they gave him antibiotics and sent him home. The same day he arrived home, his feet has become black and pus was coming off it, he had breathing difficulties, and i rushed him to the ER again. After several hours of checking him, the doctor came to inform my family that they could not do anything more and that he was deteriorating. Within 3 more hours, he died. All the signs and symptoms were apparent but it was brushed aside as simply non life threatening issues. Hope this bad experience of mine will shed some light to readers here. He was 80 when he passed on.

Amanda Davis was one of the funniest, most self-effacing, chutzpah-charged, and big-hearted human beings anyone could ever hope to encounter. To meet her was always an historical event, one you would remember for the rest of your life. Amanda was essential. She was vital. She was a forceful and generous (and forcefully generous) presence. She was the magnetic core around which a lot of people swirled, and as such she was a facilitator of relationships and possibility of all sorts. Many of us were connected, through her, to a community that she created and maintained; she made life feel cozy, small, family-like, even for people who lived 3,000 miles apart. With her energetic pragmatism, she commanded the chaotic, nonsensical world to work better, and it did, or at least it seemed to, when she was around.

"We find it difficult to connect with people over the internet," Pearce said. When asked about what they missed most about the live music environment, Stokes and Pearce said that they are looking forward to playing new songs live and seeing how people react to them. They said that what they missed most was live feedback and a real interaction.


New Zealand's position in regard to the coronavirus is, at the moment, quite different from other areas of the globe. Pearce noted how because of this, it often feels awkward to talk positively about playing shows again, but he says that it doesn't have to be. "I'm happy to say [that] we have a show," he said. "We are excited about playing it. We feel very lucky to be doing it."


"We were quite lucky with our lockdown," Stokes said. She and Pearce discussed how, as musicians in New Zealand, they felt supported by their country's government, which made their quarantine relatively easy. They mentioned that it was very possible to rethink their plans without panicking, and that they felt lucky to be able to reflect and work on new material.

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